In parallel to the Conference on Tuesday, June 14th, 2016 at Casino de Montbenon in Lausanne, we will run a participant-driven (BarCamp style) unconference track. Ideas for brief (~15 min) talks and meetup topics can be suggested online or the morning of the conference. The current list of accepted unconference topics is shown below:



by Nicolas Fojtu, Joshua Herbst  

We all are part of a vast production system, as consuming and producing nodes in a global supply chain network. However, our horizon is limited. Often a single node knows little about where its input is coming from and little about where its output is going to. KnowTheFlow aims at combining local information of input and output to collectively form a recurrent network, a directed graph. By collectively sharing local information our horizon can be expanded beyond the individual limits. KnowTheFlow is a mass collaboration project where data is systematically collected at different levels of specificity and continuously refined and cross-linked.


Transport Open Data

by Chrisitan Trachsel  

Discussion about what kind of Information Transport companies could provide for your apps (except Realtime Data – they will be here end of this year)


OpenLocal Project IDEA

by Pascal Kotté  

How can we provide an alternative directory, where people are their own decidors who will use published data, which conditions, and OpenData compatible, not “privated” and “abuse” resell (like, or “no idea how used” (like Google, Facebook) ! I dream to create the project


Community based environnemental monitoring

by Roger Erismann  

One of the benefits of a “Community Based Environmental Monitoring” (CBEM) project is to expand the monitoring capacity of government agencies and engage the public in environmental stewardship.


Are OKCupid profiles really meant to be open data?

by Paul-Olivier Dehaye  

Self-described researchers have recently released scraped OKCupid profiles on an open data repository. We will use this incident as a case study to discuss emerging moral, ethical and legal challenges to the open data movement.


WikiData Meetup

by Muriel  

I would like people who are interested in WikiData to meet and get in touch


Get your personal data

by Paul-Olivier Dehaye  

The law gives you access to tons of your personal data, including from US based corporate sources. Learn how to get to it.


Data literacy #FTW

by Oleg Lavrovsky  

Lots of people at will be involved in sharing knowledge about open data publishing and applications. It seems like a great opportunity to get together to discuss what works most effectively, in what formats (workshops, offline and online courses, open literature, tools) and where we might share or help contribute to each other’s materials.

En plus de nos hackathons nationaux réguliers, nous recommandons aux participants de participer à des ateliers et des cours où leurs compétences en usage des données peuvent être améliorées pour soutenir les initiatives civiques, et les connaissances accumulées utilisées de manière encore plus critique et créative. Ce projet est actuellement en développement.

L’École de données (School of Data) offre des cours de formation en ligne, et sur demande développés sur mesure, où les connaissances sur le travail avec les données sont partagées. Ici, nous donnons un aperçu des données ouvertes en Suisse, des recommandations sur divers cours et matériels pédagogiques relatifs au savoir-faire en analyse de données, ainsi que des exemples provenant de la communauté des utilisateurs et des experts.

Au cours de l’année, nous prévoyons de mettre en place des ateliers similaires où les participants peuvent concentrer leurs efforts sur certaines questions, notamment:

  • Comment puis-je obtenir des faits et des chiffres sur un sujet précis?
  • Comment modifier et analyser les différents types de données efficacement et correctement?
  • Comment préparer et publier des ensembles de données sur le web?
  • Comment des visualisations de données peuvent-elles être lues et interprétées correctement par les humains? (I propose this modification for this question)
  • Comment puis-je utiliser des données pour ma propre communication créative?

Aller plus loin

schoolofdata In addition to our regular national hackathons, we offer workshops on developing data skills for civic engagement, and using open data more critically and creatively. We are an official chapter of the School of Data, a network through which we can tap into diverse material and experienced trainers from around the world. We add to this specific knowledge of Open Data in Switzerland, recommend courses and resources in Data Literacy, and promote examples from our community.

Please visit for more information, to join upcoming workshops or run your own!

School of Data Switzerland 2017 Update.

See also the School of Data Annual Report, and follow our sibling chapters in Germany / Italy / France / Austria / Spain / ..and 30+ other countries!

schoolofdataAls Ergänzung zu unseren regelmässigen Vereinsanlässen, empfehlen wir Interessierten die Teilnahme an zusätzlichen Workshops und Kursen. Diese fördern die Verwendung von offenen Daten für die eigene zivilgesellschaftliche Arbeit, damit das gesammelte Wissen kritisch und kreativ eingesetzt wird. Die School of Data (Datenschule) bietet online und auf Anfrage solche massgeschneiderten Lehrgänge an, in denen Wissen im Umgang mit Daten vermittelt wird. Das Projekt ist momentan im Entwicklung.

Aus- und Weiterbildung unterstützen wir mit einen Überblick über offene Daten in der Schweiz, Empfehlungen zu diversen Lehrgängen und Lehrmittel, die ein Basiswissen zur Datenverarbeitung («Data Literacy») fördern, und zeigen gelungene Beispiele aus der Community von Anwendern und Experten.

Besuchen Sie bitte für weitere Informationen, um an kommenden Workshops teilzunehmen oder Ihre eigenen zu starten!


Open Knowledge Conference - Law Mining Hackathon - Geneva - 16-18th September 2013 - In partnership with OKFN

At past Swiss Open Data Camps we had a few ideas around the theme of open legal data, while constantly exploring the boundaries of what we can legally do with data. We have aimed to fully understand and debate the conditions of use, while championing openness. The 2013 Law Mining Hackathon was run as a satellite workshop at the Open Knowledge Conference in Geneva. Thanks to our sponsors for making this event possible, and to all experts and participants, who made it a resounding success!

Live Projects | Initiatives | Open Challenges | Upcoming Events

okcon legalhack 2013-09-19 15.01.29

Live Projects

Case Law as a Service (CLaaS)

Many legal decisions, or case results, on national and international levels are available online – but are not accessible enough. The aims of our largest team were to create an open framework and platform architecture that allows users and diverse applications easy access to case law data. Concepts, designs, live demos and visualizations have been developed, including: Human Rights Case Laws, Case Law Linked Data, and an open search engine for the Swiss Supreme Court.

Open Law Search

This project aims to make the everyday work of law practitioners easier by making valuable resources on the Open Web easier to find. Users can search by region, type, filetype, and tags across a variety of domains especially relevant to European law. It is live and available here:

Open This Data!

A simple idea with an aim to help lift legal and technical restrictions on data, and get rapid community response to changes of terms of use. The Open Data Button is an easy, social way to share the fact that you are prevented from accessing data in some way. The project is live:

Open Privacy Legislation

Taking data protection and privacy legislation as a case study, this team assessed a range of government websites and rated them according to criteria from the Declaration of Parliamentary Openness. The resulting map of world legislative standards is here:


Open Legislation

During the hackathon we agreed to help revitalize the OKFN incumbent Working Group for Open Legislation, and one of the experts at our event has taken on moderation responsibilities. Please sign up to join in, share ideas, and broaden the debate. License Recommendations

This team discussed the legal guidelines we were using at the hackathon, and provided suggestions (in French) for making improvements to the way teams agreed on licensing conditions that could attract more varied participation and commercial support in the future.

Open Legal Data Sources

In order to help teams get started, we have started a wiki page of Open Legal Data, among which are sources of open content and inspiration.


Eleven challenges were submitted by our expert panel, which we have grouped under the following categories:

Legal Concepts

Case Law

Law Usability

Upcoming Events

Law-themed hackdays around the world – such as the BLIP Legal Hackathon and at Harvard Law School – have demonstrated the value for people familiar with legal questions, as well as participants from the crowd.

We are already discussing future law and license related hackathons – sign up to the Open Legislation mailing list to be informed of anything related to these topics, or the general list for all upcoming OKFN events.

Here are several upcoming legal hackathons around the world courtesy of Legal Informatics Blog:

Law Mining Hackathon 2013 organizers

Dr. Christian Laux,

Oleg Lavrovsky,

Prof. Jean-Henry Morin, University of Geneva


Makers get things done – and what they do counts, their efforts bring real change. Your ideas and competence are in high demand to shape the future of how we deal with data in the interconnected world. To participate in this camp everyone is qualified, no matter what level of expertise you have with the Web, programming, or Information Technology. Have a look at some of the general profiles of people who tend to take part at hackdays, and come along even if this is something you’ve never done before! If you have colleagues in these areas, please invite them to join in.

The most important is to be there early, as projects and teams will start forming in the morning. Of course, you’ll be able to join an existing group at any point in the hackathon, but being there from the start gives you the best chance to speak up about your ideas in the brainstorm, excite others about what you care about, become a valued core member and contributor. So check the schedule, get a good night’s sleep, and get down to the hackathon ready to make history!

The very first thing we’ll ask you to do is tick a checkmark on your Maker Badge. It lets you begin by making a statement to your fellow participants: here is what I am interested in, here is the role I want to have on the team. If you’re struggling to decide what role to take up (as newcomers often do!), talk about your concerns to the first person you see, or come see one of the friendly event staff.


  • people like us who want to make improvements in their community
  • public officials who wish to help advance open access for e-government
  • subject matter experts who have data and want to collaborate and share it: for this Open Data Camp,  these would often be people with experience in the topics of legal information, the law online, digital legislation


  • find out about the evolving information visualization discipline
  • use the opportunity to build skills while having fun with graphics
  • get involved in the openness movement for fame and glory on the Web


  • learn tools and techniques for accessing public data sources
  • collaborate with designers and experts on creating exciting applications
  • you do not need to be a programmer, data is a powerful tool that everyone can use


University of Geneva

Open Knowledge Conference 2013

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Le mouvement est organisé par l’association En collaboration avec le groupe parlementaire pour une informatique durable le débat politique a été lancé en juin 2011 lors d’une conférence aux Archives fédérales à Berne. Cette première rencontre au niveau fédéral connu un large succès et a été suivie de la rédaction d’un manifeste ainsi que de diverses actions parlementaires. est une initiative politiquement indépendante qui n’est liée à aucun parti ou source de financement.

Notre équipe

À voir le parcours des évenements sur le wiki.

The event will take place soon, we almost can’t wait.

Here are a few things to do in the meantime:

  • Follow @opendataCH on Twitter (and while you’re at it, @OKFN too)
  • Do you know about a data set that people may want to use? Add an entry on our data wiki
  • Do you have an idea you’d like to discuss and see implemented at the event? Post it in the forum
  • Spread the word, let your friends, coworkers, everybody know about!

The event will take place soon, we almost can’t wait.

Here are a few things to do in the meantime:

  • Follow @opendataCH on Twitter (and while you’re at it, @OKFN too)
  • Do you know about a data set that people may want to use? Add an entry on our data wiki
  • Do you have an idea you’d like to discuss and see implemented at the event? Post it in the forum
  • Spread the word, let your friends, coworkers, everybody know about!

The event will take place soon, we almost can’t wait.

Here are a few things to do in the meantime:

  • Follow @opendataCH on Twitter (and while you’re at it, @OKFN too)
  • Do you know about a data set that people may want to use? Add an entry on our data wiki
  • Do you have an idea you’d like to discuss and see implemented at the event? Post it in the forum
  • Spread the word, let your friends, coworkers, everybody know about!

Plus de transparence, d’efficacité et d’innovation grâce à la réutilisation des données publiques!

Organisés par l’association, section Suisse de l’Open Knowledge Foundation.

Depuis plusieurs années, les ateliers, réunissant développeurs, graphistes et idéateurs, se sont fixés comme objectif de mieux faire connaitre et d’explorer les potentialités du mouvement Opendata en Suisse.

Nous commençons actuellement un projet visant à réorganiser l’infrastructure pour les événements MAKE. Certains hackathons à venir ne sont listés que dans, notre nouvelle plate-forme et soi-même un projet communautaire. Si vous avez des commentaires ou si vous souhaitez le soutenir de quelque façon que ce soit, veuillez nous contacter lors de la conférence ou simplement nous envoyer un mail/tweet!



Organisés en petites équipes, en s’appuyant sur des données publiques déjà existantes, durant deux jours, les participants développeront divers projets informatiques (applications web et mobiles, infographies et animations) montrant ainsi la haute valeur ajoutée liée à une réutilisation des données publiques. Voir le résume et les résultats des évenements ici.


Nul besoin de bénéficier de connaissances avancées en informatiques pour participer à cet atelier. Votre motivation et vos idées sont la matière première essentielle à son fonctionnement ! Vous possédez une expertise ou vous travaillez dans le domaine ? Vous avez des idées d’applications, de visualisations que vous aimeriez pouvoir utiliser au quotidien ? Alors inscrivez-vous dès maintenant comme:

Citoyen porteur d’idées

  • des gens désirant changer les choses dans leur communauté
  • des professionnels voulant partager leur expertise et les données qui y sont associées
  • des fonctionnaires souhaitant aider à rendre les données publiques libre d’accès

Designer engagé

  • s’informer sur l’évolution des disciplines de visualisation de l’information
  • acquérir des compétences dans l’élaboration de représentations graphiques interactives
  • donner un nouveau sens à des données brutes et en permettre ainsi une nouvelle utilisation

Développeur passionné

  • découvrir des outils et techniques permettant d’accéder à des sources de données publiques
  • travailler en équipe avec des designers et autres experts à la réalisation d’applications passionnantes
  • aider à construire et mettre en place le mouvement Open Data en Suisse

Ideengeber, Designer und Entwickler arbeiten mit freien und öffentlichen Daten – für Transparenz, Innovation und Effizienz!

MAKE ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe von, der Schweizer Sektion der Open Knowledge Foundation.

Die schweizerischen Open Data Camp bringen Denker und Macher zusammen, damit wichtige Aufgabenstellungen der heutigen Zeit zur Sprache kommen und dafür Lösungen entwickelt werden können (z.B. Apps oder Visualisierungen). So fördern wir Transparenz, Innovation und Effizienz im öffentlichen wie im privaten Sektor.

Wir starten derzeit ein Projekt zur Umgestaltung der Infrastruktur für MAKE Events. Einige kommende Hackathons sind nur auf, unserer neuen Plattform und selbst ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt. Wenn Sie irgendwelche Rückmeldungen haben oder dies in irgendeiner Weise unterstützen möchten, sprechen Sie bitte bei uns auf der Konferenz oder schreiben/tweeten Sie uns einfach an!



An allen bisherigen Hackdays trefften sich Softwareentwickler, Konzepter und Designer, Politiker und Bürger, Experten und Interessierte, um die Schweiz mit den Mitteln von Open Data weiterzubringen, zusammen nützliche Apps zu entwickeln und dank augenöffnenden Visualisierungen am Ende mehr zu verstehen.

Für eine Teilnahme sind alle qualifiziert, die sich auf irgendeine Weise für das Thema Finanzen, Beschaffung, Budgets etc. interessieren, vielleicht sogar Fachwissen in diesen oder ähnlichen Bereichen mitbringen, eine Idee für eine Web-Anwendung haben, Erfahrung und/oder Interesse an Datenvisualisierung haben oder ihre Entwickler-Fähigkeiten für Ideen und Projekte einsetzen möchten.

Mit Gespür für interessante Fragen und Design-, Daten-, Web- und Mobile-Kompetenz wollen wir zusammen erforschen, wohin uns Open Data auch hier in der Schweiz führen kann. Damit senden wir auch ein Signal an die breite Öffentlichkeit und arbeiten darauf hin, mehr staatliche Daten frei zugänglich zu machen – denn sie gehören uns allen. Mitmachen lässt sich etwa als:


  • forme unsere Gesellschaft aktiv mit
  • realisiere deine Ideen mit anderen
  • fördere den offenen Zugang zu Daten


  • erforsche die junge Disziplin der Informationsvisualisierung
  • packe die Gelegenheit, deinen Umgang mit interaktiven Grafiken zu schärfen
  • verleihe rohen Daten Sinn und neuen Nutzen


  • lerne und übe Techniken, wie du öffentliche Datenquellen ansteuern kannst
  • arbeite in interdisziplinären Teams an aufregenden Anwendungen
  • hilf mit, die Open Data Initiative der Schweiz aufzubauen

Ideators, Designers and Developers work with open data – for transparency, innovation and efficiency!

MAKE is an ongoing event series by, the Swiss chapter of the Open Knowledge Foundation.

Switzerland’s national Open Data Camps bring thinkers and makers together to discuss critical questions, create prototypes (such as apps and visualisations), and help accelerate openness, innovation and efficiency in private and public domains.

We are currently starting a project to revamp the infrastructure for MAKE events. Some upcoming hackathons are only listed at, our new platform and a community project itself. If you have any feedback or wish to support this in any way, please talk to us at the conference or just drop us a note/tweet!



To participate in our camps everyone is qualified, no matter what level of expertise you have with the Web, programming, or IT. For the next camp we are also in particularly looking for people with experience in the topics of finance, monetary policy, budgets, and folks with experience with and/or interest in data visualization who would like to contribute with his developer-skills to amazing ideas and projects. If you have any friends in these areas, please invite them to come along.

Together thinkers and doers get things done and make a difference. Your ideas and your competence are in high demand to shape the future of how we deal with data in this country, so if you too feel it’s time to make a difference sign up as:


  • people who want to change things in their community
  • subject matter experts who have data and want to collaborate/share it
  • public officials who want to help further open access for eGovernment


  • find out about evolving information visualization discipline
  • an opportunity to build skills and work with interactive graphics
  • help publicise and spread the message of open access


  • learn tools and techniques for accessing public data sources
  • collaborate with designers and innovators on exciting applications
  • help build an outstanding platform for connecting interest across Switzerland

Besuchen Sie bitte die Events im Wiki.

Initiative wird getragen durch den Verein Gemeinsam mit der Parlamentarischen Gruppe Digitale Nachhaltigkeit haben wir die Diskussion um Open Data in der Schweiz lanciert und in die Medien wie in die Parlamente getragen – mit verschiedenen Events, mit dem Manifest oderverschiedenen parlamentarischen Vorstössen.

Die Community, die angestossen hat, ist eine dringend nötige Ergänzung der Aktivitäten auf politischer Ebene. Unser aller Ziel ist es, die Öffentlichkeit für mehr Transparenz und Innovation durch Open Data zu sensibilisieren.

Die Initiative ist politisch unabhängig und weder an eine bestimmte Partei noch Finanzierungsquelle gebunden.


Initiative is an initiative of the association We started political debate on a federal level during the well-received event in June 2011 at the Swiss Federal Archives, since followed up with parliamentary inquiries together with the Parliamentary Group for Digital Sustainability and further conference events.

The community effort kicked off by is an important complement to political activities and public relations. Our goal is to raise awareness and support for openness and innovation through Open Data.

This initiative is politically independent and not bound to any particular party or funding source.


Please continue to the Events homepage on the wiki.