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4th Open Data Camp - 22/23.03.2013

Switzerland's 4th make.opendata.ch-Hackdays in Berne and Sierre brings together thinkers and makers around the topic of open spending and financial open data. Registration is still open and any further info about the why, what and how you'll find on http://make.opendata.ch – Join us to help accelerate openness, innovation and efficiency in private and public budgeting!

This page is continuously being updated during the event with all projects and results.


  • Visualization 4 Tax Freedom Day: Recently, various media published results of the ESTV (Eidgenössische Steuerverwaltung) which show the so-called “Tax Freedom Day”, the day of the year when a citizen has earned enough money to compensate for the taxes he/she paid. The idea of this project is thus to craft an interactive, thematic map/visualization of this data. It should allow the viewer a quick, informative and salient overview of the spatial disparities in the Swiss tax system. See: demo - source - doku
  • Qualified Money: This project simulates the spreading of tainted money. In a second step, it implements qualifiers that regulate different qualities of money. First step was to gather money flow data. For this purpose, every country's trade import and export is used. Money can be contagious (i.e. if a country receives _any_ bad money, the country is 'bad') or bad money dilutes with respect to the money reservoir of the country. Starting from an initial setup (all countries good, one bad; half good; half bad; …), year by year the quality indicater is updated according to the flows of money. See: demo - source - doku
  1. Open Aid: Dokumentation (Wiki) - room A 024 - frontend developers
  2. Open Budget: Dokumentation (Wiki) - room A 027
  3. Finanzausgleich Kanton Bern: Dokumentation (Wiki) - room A 027 - designers
  4. FTTH Business Model Navigator: Dokumentation (Wiki) - plenary room - JavaScript developers and frontend designers
  5. Cumulizer: Dokumentation (Wiki) - room A 027 - volunteers that want to provide their Cumulus data anonymously

Other initiated projects:

  1. Semantic Legal: Dokumentation (Wiki)
  2. Mobile Deck Card Game with Financial Data: Dokumentation (Wiki) / Live Game (Beta) - game testers, give feedback via twitter to @pierrefritsch

Blogs & Press

Panel discussion (Video)

Presented ideas and/or data:

  1. Thomas Preusse, local.ch: Open Budget App Bern (Presentation)
  2. Christoph Schaller, Berner Fachhochschule: Finanzstatistik Gemeinden Kt. Bern (Präsentation)
  3. Daniel Studer, Amt für Gemeinden und Raumordnung Kanton Bern, und Beat Dänzer, Finanzverwaltung Kanton Bern: Finanzausgleichsdaten des Kantons Bern (Präsentation)
  4. Claudia Bretscher, Statistik Stadt Zürich: Finanzdaten der Stadt Zürich (Präsentation)
  5. Urs Derendinger: Steuerdaten des Kanton Schwyz - Einkommen und Vermögen von 2001 bis 2009 (Präsentation)
  6. Roland Studer, Puzzle: Gemeinde-Quartett (Präsentation)
  7. Timo Grossenbacher: Vis 4 Tax Freedom Day (Präsentation)
  8. Andreas Kellerhals, Direktor Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv: Digitalisierte Staatsrechnungen und Budgets des Bundes 1849 bis 1998 (Präsentation als PPS und PDF)
  9. Niklaus Hug und Martin Blumenthal, NTS: FTTH Business Model Navigator
  10. Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing, ETH Zürich: FuturICT Financial + Innovation Platform (Präsentation)
  11. Adrienne Fichter und Stefan Zollinger, Orell Füssli Wirtschaftsinformationen OFWI: Öffentliche vernetzte Handelsregisterdaten Infocube.ch (Präsentation)
  12. Thomas Bisig, Olsen: The Bubbles of Market Dynamics - A Dynamic Tool to Assess Market Dynamics (Präsentation)
  13. Barbara Kummler, Hochschule Luzern: Verständlichkeit (Präsentation)
  14. Sebastian Loosli: Demokratie und Entscheidungen (Präsentation)
  15. Christian Studer: M-Connect Migros Cumulus
  16. Julius Chorbak: http://Mingle.io


Getting started

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Please add links to data sources here.

Map made with StepMap

  • event/2013-03.1364047924.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/03/23 15:12
  • by aamsler