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3nd Open Data Camp - 28/29.09.2012

Switzerland's third Open Data Camp brought together ideators and makers around the topic of data-driven health. Check out below what some awesome folks have been making in Geneva and Basle in just two days.

Geneva BasleGeneva

  • myGenerics uses open pharmaceutical data to list generic alternatives for a drug of interest, the results showing all brands and types of packaging, helping to make an informed decision when purchasing medicaments and potentially lowering treatment costs.
  • InstaCare is a mobile app for quickly locating and getting directions to the nearest health care center in several categories. With a highly usable design, the app integrates opening times, specialization, and data useful to persons with reduced mobility.
  • Hospital Data Visualization groups together several efforts to display information about the distribution of Swiss hospitals, relative to regional population and other factors, in the form of interactive maps and charts.
  • Emergency or Not is a prototype app for crowdsourcing health advice, aiming to get the user a quick response in the event of an emergency, inspired by the immediacy with which information can be shared on social networks like Twitter.
  • Medical Timeline integrates nutrient information from open databases about food, related to your health condition. Our original goal, for which we made a concept, is an app collecting health related events along a person's individual lifetime.
  • born/died//ch: an interactive, animated visualization which displays open data about the population of Switzerland, including birth by region and death by cause statistics, featuring 3D Web graphics.
  • Compare Hospitals implements a mobile app for browsing the results of a study done with approximately 200 hospitals across Switzerland using a range of quality indicators.
  • event/2012-09.1348925283.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012/09/29 15:28
  • (external edit)