Law Mining Hackathon
Open Knowledge Conference, Geneva, September 16-19, 2013
At #OKCon, an event co-hosted by and OKFN, we focussed on law and build applications to help lawyers to be more productive and citizens to make sense of both Swiss federal law and international human rights law.
The hackathon was part of Open Knowledge Conference 2013, held in Geneva that brought together more than 900 participants from 40+ countries. We convened at the CICG conference centre for the first three days and wrapped up at the University of Geneva, CUI Battell.
We kicked off with a workshop of 25 people from different backgrounds - hackers, lawyers, activists and academics - and had then as many as 30 people who put their brains and computers together, and joined into the projects over the four days of the busy conference schedule.
Read more on the event home page ...
On this wiki: Results | Challenges | Open data | Contact
A list of live projects and concepts has been posted to our home page:
We formed an expert panel from people who submitted law mining challenges. These were presented as starting points for the teams, who worked closely with experts assisting with their knowledge and guidance. The community guidelines were something we both applied and discussed at length. We have broadly sorted them into the following categories:
Legal Concepts
- Etherpad:
Case Law
- Etherpad:
Usable Law
- Etherpad:
Room 8 (“R8” on the schedule) at the CICG conference hall will be used for the Monday kickoff. Please make sure you arrive early, as sitting room may be limited and we will dive right in on Monday morning.
Furthermore, throughout Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, a Hackspace (“HS”, outside of Room 8 at the same venue), will be the space to work at during the week. Your teams could of course move around the OKCon venue freely, and take part in the rest of the conference, but the Hackspace will be a focal point for lots of coding and tinkering during OKCon and we look forward to an excellent creative atmosphere forming.
The following are official opening hours of OKCon, i.e. the first three hackdays:
- Monday: 8:30 - 19:00 (building closes at 20:00)
- Tuesday: 8:30 - 19:00 (building closes at 20:00)
- Wednesday: 8:00 - 18:00
On Thursday we will move to the university campus Uni Batelle (“UB”, Open Innovation Lounge) for the final day of hacking and presentations. Please note that we do ask you to have an OKCon ticket for this event.
Please use the hashtags #okcon #legalhack on Twitter
The forum is here for posting something about the hackathon at length.
For general discussion, please use the OKFN Legislation mailing list:
If you have a question to the organizers, email us.
There is no such thing as a stupid question, just things people say…