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<html><!– Start Navigation –> <table border=“0”> <tr> <td> <img src=“http://glam.opendata.ch/files/2014/05/glam2-200.png” width=“85” /> </td> <td width=“12px”> </td> <td> <b><big><a href=“/wiki/event:2016-07”>Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2016</a></big></b> <br/> <a href=“/wiki/event:2016-07#program”>Program</a>

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2nd Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon

The second Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon took place on 1-2 July 2016 at the Basel University Library.

Join us on Facebook or Twitter

  • Facebook (Swiss Cultural Data Hackathon)
  • Twitter (Hashtag: #GLAMhack2016)

Share your data in view of the next Open Cultural Data Hackathon

We are planning to hold the next Open Cultural Data Hackathon in 2017. You may own yourself cultural data that you are ready to share. Please look at these infosheets (German / French) on how to share data. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact beat.estermann@openglam.ch.

For media enquiries, please contact:

  • Marion Regenscheit, marion.regenscheit(at)unibas.ch (German/English)
  • Frédéric Noyer, frederic(at)noyer.ch (French)

This page contains the documentation of the 2016 event. For the documentation of the 2015 event, see: <html><a href=“http://make.opendata.ch/wiki/event:2015-02” target=“_blank”>First Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon</a></html>.

Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2016 at the Basel University Library. Photo by M. Schwendener, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Media and blog reactions to the event:

Basel University Library - view from the botanical garden. Photo: Manuela Schwendener, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The hackathon programme consisted of:

  • a main hackathon track with a plenary session at the beginning and at the end of the event and self-organized group work in between
  • a side programme with workshops on various topics, aimed at the transmission of skills and know-how related to the (re-)use of heritage data (the side programme is still in the making, please let us know if you have any suggestions for topics/presenters)
  • a Wikipedia atelier, targeted at existing and new Wikipedians interested in working together on GLAM-related topics (in German)
  • possibilities for participants to re-fuel and refresh themselves in a flexible manner
  • a project presentation session on Saturday night, open to the public, followed by an apéro riche for hackathon participants and invited guests
  • Two guided tours arranged for by the Historical Museum Basel for those who are still sticking around on Sunday (in German).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</html>^^^^

9:00 Welcome Desk opens
10:00 - 11:30 Opening Message, Official Start of the Hackathon
Work in groups<html>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</html> Workshops Wikipedia-Atelier: Einführung in Wikipedia
12:30 - 14:30 Lunch
Work in groups Workshops Wikipedia-Atelier: Schreibwerkstatt
19:00 - 21:00 Dinner
Work in groups
24:00 End of day 1
Saturday, 2 July 2016
9:00 Work in groups Workshops Wikipedia-Atelier: Einführung in Wikipedia
12:30 - 14:30 Lunch
Work in groups Workshops Wikipedia-Atelier: Schreibwerkstatt
16:30 - 17:30 Preparation of project presentations
17:30 - 19:30 Project presentations / closing address
19:30 - 21:30 Stand-up dinner
Sunday, 3 July 2016
13:00 Museumsführungen: Museum für Pferdestärken
15:00 Museumsführungen: Museum für Musik

Registration: In order to take part in the programme as a regular participant, we ask you to register as soon as possible (the original deadline was set to 15 June). We are also able to provide a limited number of stays at the Basel Youth Hostel, free of charge, if you would like to stay over night in between the hackathon days.

Participation without registration: If you are just planning to attend the project presentation session on Saturday night or if you are curious and would like to peep in for a while to get a feel of the hackathon, you don't need to register: just come to our welcome desk and ask for directions!

Directions on getting there: the closest stops (1, 3) and your destination (2) are shown here for participants arriving with public transport:


  1. Spalentor stop: bus number 30 from both the main station of the SBB or from the Badischen Bahnhof station / tram number 3 from the city centre.
  2. Entrance to the Main Library (Hauptbibliothek).
  3. Bernouillanum stop: bus number 30 from main station or Badischen Bahnhof.

Source: Basel University Library. A detailed map is available here.

Directions to the Youth Hostel: available at youthhostel.ch.

During the hackathon, participants had the possibility to attend several workshops aimed at the transmission of skills and know-how related to the (re-)use of heritage data. You'll find below the detailed program with the workshop descriptions.

Friday, 1 July

14:00 - 14:50

Second part : Introduction to Data Visualisation Tools. Presentation of simple tools for the visualisation and the valorisation of heritage data.</html> |

15:00 - 15:50 <html><b>School of Data</b><br/><i>Oleg Lavrovsky & Jörg Berkel</i><br/>Data, data, everywhere! And yet… When is the last time data made a difference in your life? Have you taken the time today to think through the implications of all this machine-usable information to your self-confidence, critical faculties and overall success as a human being? When has art last inspired you to get creative with Taylor Swift? Together with the global School of Data network, we are putting together keyboards and brains to spread the idea of data literacy, to work for better data, to have more fun at hackathons! Join us for a round of Advanced Data & Dragons that aims to help you become more Adventurous, Benign and Correlational in your projects.</html>
16:00 - 16:50 <html><b><a href=“http://presentations.zazuko.com/LD-Speed/#1”>Linked Data On Speed (Introduction to Linked Open Data)</a></b><br/><i>Adrian Gschwend, Zazuko</i><br/>In this workshop we will see how the advent of the World Wide Web has led to an exponential growth of the Internet and what was needed to make it happen. On the way there we will discover that we can do the same thing with Linked Open Data. Towards the end we will swallow the red pill and dive into some SPARQL magic.</html>
17:00 - 17:50 <html><b>Linked Data Roundtable</b><br/><i>Adrian Gschwend, Zazuko & Fabio Ricci, semweb</i><br/>Within this session we invite participants to share their experience in Linked Data generation, publication and consumption. Topics can include anything related to Linked Data and RDF like tools, libraries, SPARQL, visualization etc. Ideally, participants present a short summary of their experience in 5 minutes each, followed by an open discussion.</html>
18:00 - 18:50 <html><b>SIPI (Simple Image Presentation Interface) - A IIIF Image-Server and its Integration into Knora/SALSAH</b><br/><i>Andrea Bianco, Tobias Schweizer, Digital Humanities Lab, University of Basel</i><br/>SIPI implements the IIIF specification V2 and thus allows for URL-based requests of different dimensions, regions, and rotations of an image. It relies on a single source file principle: From one JPEG2000 file, the requested images can be created on the fly (including caching). SIPI will be used together with Knora/SALSAH, a Virtual Research Environment for the Humanities. Knora/SALSAH generates IIIF-URLs in order to generate different quality levels of a an image and sends them to the web-browser that will request the images from SIPI.</html>
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Saturday, 2 July

10:00 - 10:50 <html><b>Lightning Talks</b><br/><i>Hackathon participants</i><br/>Cancelled !</html>
11:00 - 11:50

This workshop looks at the project <a href=“https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Connected_Open_Heritage”>Connected Open Heritage</a>, and the challenges and possibilities presented by getting more data and connecting the data at Wikidata.</html> |

12:00 - 12:50 <html><b><a href=“goo.gl/eAbp0w”>Historical Mapping Workshop</a></b><br/><i>Susanna Ånäs, Wikimedia Finland</i><br/><a href=“https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wikimaps”>Wikimaps</a> is an emerging collection of tools for historical mapping in the context of the Wikimedia projects. <a href=“http://warper.wmflabs.org/”>Wikimaps Warper</a> lets you rectify scanned maps to present day coordinates. <a href=“http://www.openhistoricalmap.org/”>OpenHistoricalMap</a> is OpenStreetMap for historical data.<br/>This workshop presents a workflow for creating a <a href=“http://www.revolve.fi/blog/2016/05/25/historical-pasila-steps-towards-historical-street-view/”>historical street view</a> with these tools and more. I invite you to take the process further yourself during or after the hackathon. You are also welcome to join us at the Wikimaps hackathon table - ideally with an interesting collection of historical map images in mind!</html>
13:00 - 13:50 <html><b>The 3rd dimension of political mapping</b><br/><i>André Ourednik, Archives fédérales suisses</i><br/>In this geovisualisation presentation, we shall demonstrate how mapping referendum and voting results on topographical maps leads to misleading interpretations and how this problem can be solved by diverse means made available by interactive web mapping. The presentation will give historical and international examples before focusing on 2D and 3D referendum mapping methods used on the web portal <a href=“https://www.alptransit-portal.ch/”>alptransit-portal.ch</a>. We shall also reveal some of the treatment techniques behind the scenes, with qGIS, OpenLayers and Threejs.</html>
14:00 - 14:30 <html><b>Le Temps Digital Archive project</b><br/><i>Maud Ehrmann, Digital Humanities Lab, EPFL</i><br/>In this presentation we will introduce the <a href=“http://letempsarchives.ch/”>Digital Archive of Le Temps Newspaper</a>. In collaboration with the Swiss National Library and Le Temps, the EPFL DHLAB has recently applied information extraction and text mining techniques on 5 million of OCRed articles spanning 200 hundred years of Swiss history. The result is an interface where one can search article's content (words and entities), visualize time series frequencies of words and browse through digitized issues. After a brief introduction of the newspaper's history and of the context of the project, we will more specifically detail the information extraction processes that were implemented (esp. named entity recognition), examining challenges and opportunities for exploitation and further work.</html>
15:00 - 15:50

</html> |

16:00 - 16:50 <html><b>(free slot)</b></html>
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Ebenso fand an den beiden Hackathon-Tagen ein Wikipedia-Atelier statt.

Freitag / Samstag, 1. und 2. Juli

10:30 - 12:30 <html><b>Einführung in die Wikipedia</b><br/><i>Diego Hättenschwiler (Freitag) und Ulrich Lantermann (Samstag)</i><br/>Die Einführung in die Wikipedia besteht aus einem etwa 45-minütigen Vortrag, der das Arbeiten mit Wikipedia erklärt (Artikel bearbeiten, Bilder einfügen, Artikel anlegen und verlinken) und in die Gepflogenheiten der Wikipedia-Community einführt. Anschliessend werden bei Bedarf die Benutzerkonten angelegt. Danach kann zu freien Themen oder nach Vorgabe geschrieben werden. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich sowohl an EinsteigerInnen als auch an erfahrene AutorenInnen, die Lust haben, gemeinsam an Artikeln zu arbeiten. Statt Antworten zu technischen Fragen online zu suchen, können andere WikipedianerInnen hier gleich persönlich gefragt werden. Die Erfahrungen der länger schreibenden Autoren fliessen so in die Fähigkeiten der Neueren. Die erworbenen Fertigkeiten können am Nachmittag im Rahmen der Schreibwerkstatt vertieft werden.</html>
14:00 - 17:00 <html><b>Wikipedia-Schreibwerkstatt</b><br/><i>Diego Hättenschwiler (Freitag) und Ulrich Lantermann (Samstag)</i><br/>Freies Arbeiten in der Wikipedia und auf Wikimedia Commons. Nach Bedarf unter Anleitung von gestandenen Wikipedia-Autoren.</html>
<html>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</html> <html><!– keep the last line empty for layout purposes –></html>

Abgerundet wurde das Programm durch zwei Museumsführungen am Sonntag nach dem Hackathon. – Ein Angebot für alle und speziell auch für die Hackathon-TeilnehmerInnen:

Sonntag, 3. Juli


Im Pferdezeitalter war Mobilität ein kostbares Gut, für das ein grosser Aufwand betrieben werden musste. Die echten Pferdestärken mussten deshalb haushälterisch eingesetzt werden. Selbst für das Überwinden des Gotthardpasses musste für eine Postkutsche mit zehn Passagieren, Postillion, Kondukteur, Gepäck und Postsendungen fünf PS genügen. Einzig in einer besonders steilen Passage kam ein sechster PS dazu. Für schwere Lastfuhrwerke in der Stadt mussten zwei PS genügen. Luxuskutschen wurden mit einem bis vier PS bespannt.<br/> <b>Treffpunkt:</b> Direkt beim Museum (Meriangärten, Basel)</html> |


Ein faszinierendes Jahrzehnt für Mode und Musik – auch in Basel. Nach den Einschränkungen und Schrecken des Ersten Weltkriegs geniessen die Menschen das neu aufblühende Leben. Mit Tango, Charleston und Foxtrott kommen körperbetonte Tänze auf. Saxophon, Banjo und Trompete prägen die aufblühende Unterhaltungsmusik von Jazz und Schlager. Gleichzeitig findet ein Medienwechsel statt: Musik ist nicht mehr nur als Livemusik erlebbar, sondern Grammophone, Schellackplatten und die neugegründeten Radiostationen ermöglichen Musikerlebnisse zu jeder Zeit.<br/> <b>Treffpunkt:</b> Direkt beim Museum (Im Lohnhof 9, Basel)</html> |

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The event was organized by the OpenGLAM CH Working Group, with contributions from:

Organization Committee
Oleg Lavrovsky
Frédéric Noyer
Oliver Waddell, dataset head
Opendata.ch / Bern University of Applied Sciences, E-Government Institute
Beat Estermann, project coordinator
Enrico Natale
Jan Baumann
University of Basel, University Library
Manuela Schwendener, head logistics
Marion Regenscheit, co-lead communications
Christoph Ballmer, co-lead communications
Lionel Walter, co-lead programme committee
Martin Reisacher, co-lead programme committee
Felix Winter, Vice Director Basel University Library
Historical Museum Basel
Stefan Bürer, lead GLAM-Wiki Atelier

If you have questions to the organization committee, please contact us here: hackathon2016@openglam.ch.

The Cultural Hackathon was made possible by financial and/or in kind contributions from Basel University Library, Migros Kulturprozent, the Christoph Merian Foundation, Ernst Göhner Foundation, infoclio.ch, and the State Archive of the Canton of Basel-Stadt.

<html> <table width=“100%” border=“0”> <tr height=“20px” /> <tr valign=“bottom”> <td width=“422px”> <img src=“https://www.unibas.ch/dam/jcr:93abfa0e-58d6-45ed-930a-de414ca40b13/uni-basel-logo.svg” height=“90” /> </td> <td width=“200px”> <img src=“http://www.staatsarchiv.bs.ch/dms/staatsarchiv/logos/logo-staatsarchiv_basel-print.png” height=“50” /> </td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> <table width=“100%” border=“0”> <tr height=“40px” /> <tr> <td> <img src=“https://www.infoclio.ch/sites/all/themes/infoclio/logo.png” height=“35” /> </td> <td> <img src=“http://www.migros-kulturprozent.ch/media/medien/m_kultur_d.gif” height=“50” /> </td> <td> <img src=“http://www.cms-basel.ch/siteSettings/logoImage/logo.png” height=“50” /> </td> <td> <img src=“http://www.ernst-goehner-stiftung.ch/fileadmin/images/logos/EGS_Schriftzug_2_schwarz.jpg” height=“70” /> </td> </tr> <tr height=“40px” /> </table> </html>

Two hackathon pre-events were kindly hosted by the Bern University Archives and the Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Lausanne.

<html> <table width=“50%”> <tr height=“20px” /> <tr> <td> <img src=“http://www.unibe.ch/media/logo_unibern@2x.png” height=“80” /> </td> <td> <img src=“http://www.bcu-lausanne.ch/wp-content/themes/BCUL/assets/images/logo.png” height=“80” /> </td> </tr> <tr height=“40px” /> </table> </html>

  • event/2016-07.1467703619.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/07/05 09:26
  • by beat_estermann