
This is an old revision of the document!

  • Date / time : Friday 12 May 2017, from 14h to 18h, and Saturday 13 May 2017 the whole day.
  • Location for Friday : United Nations Library at Geneva, Palais des Nations, Avenue de la Paix 14, 1202 Genève
  • Location for Saturday : Campus Biotech, Chemin des Mines 9, 1202 Genève
  • Language : Most of the event will be in English, but some parts will be in French.
  • Registration : participation is free. However, participants need to register. Don't forget to bring an identity card or passport with you for the security check at the Palais des Nations.
  • Deadline for registration: 2 May 2017
  • Laptop : if possible, please bring a laptop with you

Flyer décrivant l'événement.

This event is intended for anyone with an interest in Open Cultural Data : data providers, librarians, archivists, software developers, designers, artists, Wikipedians, library users and other interested people in order to experiment with how cultural data and content can be used for research purposes, for web and mobile apps, in the context of Wikipedia, for artistic re-mixes, or for other forms of re-use. This event is connected and meant as a preparation to the 3rd Open Cultural Data Hackathon which will be held on September 15th and 16th in Lausanne. Geneva Open Libraries consists of two parts:

  • During the first part (Friday 14h-16h), participants will get to know the different target groups of the hackathon (software developers, digital artists, digital humanists, Wikipedians/Wikimedians, data providers) as well as their perspectives, expectations, and previous hackathon experiences. The concept of the hackathon and the requirements regarding the datasets and licences will be briefly explained to first-timers, and there will be time for questions and answers. Three speakers from institutions in the Geneva area who have published Open Data or are in the process of publishing Open Data will share their insights about that process. The first part will end with an inspiring talk by the renowned Rufus Pollock, founder of Open Knowledge.
  • During the second part (Friday 16h-18h and Saturday), we will hold a mini-hackathon, allowing participants to come up with concrete project ideas and work together on them. Thereby, data providers can get a better idea of possible uses for the data and perhaps start a conversation with data re-users. These ideas can then be investigated further during the 3rd Open Cultural Data Hackathon in September in Lausanne.

Participants are welcome to attend either the whole event or only the Friday or Saturday portions.

Friday, May 12th 2017, United Nations Library at Geneva

14:00 Open Glam Concept presentation and showcase of the first two Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathons Beat Estermann, coordinator of
14:20 Projects and Challenges of three Geneva Cultural Institutions with Open Data :
Archives d'Etat de Genève Anouk Dunant Gonzenbach, archiviste
United Nations Library at Geneva Blandine Blukacz-Louisfert, Chief, Institutional Memory Section
The Bodmer Lab Radu Suciu, collaborateur scientifique, Bodmer Lab, Université de Genève
14:45 Short presentation of participants and their expectations
15:00 Coffee Break
15:15 Invited Talk : An Open Information Age Rufus Pollock, Founder and President, Open Knowledge
15:45 Ideas pitching, Split into small groups, hack and enjoy
18:00 Wrap-up

Saturday, May 13th 2017, Campus Biotech

All day-long hacking, working in small groups on various topics around open cultural data.

9:00 Begin of hacking
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Hacking continues
18:00 or later Wrap-up

Sunday, May 14th 2017, Campus Biotech

On Sunday, interested participants can join all other participants of the Open Geneva Hackathons, which will address various topics across all of Geneva, to present the results of the Geneva Open Libraries Hackathon.

14:00 - 16:00 Posters
16:00 - 18:00 Presentations/Pitches
18:00 - 19:00 Cocktail & networking

Bibliothèque des Nations Unies à Genève

Ensemble de photographies du fonds d’archives de la Société des Nations, ainsi que d’autres documents historiques en rapport avec la Société des Nations.

Bodmer Lab

Seront mises à disposition des données (fichiers jpeg hi-res) et méta-données d’un ensemble de livres de voyages de la Renaissance richement illustrés, ainsi qu’une centaine de versions différentes (éditions, traductions) du Faust de Goethe. Des manuscrits autographes de langue française seront aussi rendus accessibles pendant la durée du hackathon.

Archives d’Etat

Les données historiques numérisées des Archives d’Etat de Genève sont disponibles via Un disque dur avec toutes les images et les métadonnées sera disponible lors de l'événement.

Bibliothèques Genevoises qui sont dans RERO

Pour toutes ces bibliothèques, la description de tous leurs documents (métadonnées) est disponible via Swissbib. Pour une interface web, utiliser Pour un accès informatique (API), passer par Cela correspond à plus de 1,5 million de documents de plus de 60 bibliothèques.

Add your own project idea and let the organizers know about it.

  • BodmerLab: Radu Suciu, radu.suciu(A)
  • Lionel Walter,
  • UN Library: Blandine Blukacz-Louisfert, bblukacz-louisfert(A)

  • glam/2017-05.1493720119.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/05/02 12:15
  • by liowalter