We had two Opendata.ch events in April 2012 in Bern and Lausanne, each with about 40 on-site participants. The project results are summarized here.
Projects – Bern
The event in Bern primarily addressed Open Government Data, in particular to open up and develop new datasets shared with us by experts from the Canton and City of Bern.
- Bern Budget 2012 datavis
- Mys Quartier
- Smartvote Kandidaten
- Classify your politician (wiki TBD)
- Wassertemperaturen von Flussen
- Wildruhezonen
- Bake Open Data
- Wear Open Data
Data & APIs – Bern
- Finanzdaten Stadt Bern (offline)
- GeoPortal Kanton Bern
- GeoAdmin API DEMO
Blogs & Press
- Visueller Zugang zum Stadtberner Budget 2012 dank Berner Open Data Hackday (opendata.ch)
- Sie wollen Daten für das Volk «veredeln» (derbund.ch)
- Hacker spielen mit Finanzdaten (also Berner Zeitung, Aargauer Zeitung, TagesAnzeiger)
- Erster Berner Open Data Hackday (netzwoche.ch)
- Der erste MakeOpenData Hackday in Bern (basis06.ch)
- Recap: Bern’s First MakeOpenData event (loleg)
Projects – Lausanne
Part of the International Space Apps Challenge (25 locations worldwide), the Lausanne event was an Open Government Data camp with a focus on space applications. Please see the Swiss Space Center location page for more details.
- A New Command and Control Protocol for CubeSats (A New Command and Control Protocol for CubeSats)
- Fragile Oasis: Map-a-Difference (Fragile Oasis: Map-a-Difference)
- Optimal Lunar Landing Analysis (Optimal Lunar Landing Analysis)
- PDS HiRISE Mobile (Planetary Data System Interface)
- HXLator (Information Sharing for Humanitarian Crisis Response challenge)
Blogs & Press
- Lausanne will host International Space Apps Challenge in April 2012 (EPFL)
- Recap Lausanne #SpaceApps Challenge (loleg)
- Space Apps Challenge Lausanne – C&C CubeSat Project (@AVGP)
- NASA sets challenge for citizen scientists (BBC)
- Live video and presentations from Lausanne
- More media links (spaceappschallenge.org)