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This is a LegalHack@OKCon 2013 challenge

Linked Product Liability Data (LPLD)

This project aims to build a Linked Data repository containing information about regimes in product liability.

Basically the following table should be defined:

Jurisdiction Subcontext Valid as of Strict applicable Type of negligence Comment
Germany - - yes ?
Germany chemical - no ?
Germany Food 2010 yes ?
North Carolina - yes ?

Hackathon goals

  1. An existing standard legal ontology has to be found
  2. The ontology is then extended with the needed concepts in order to be able to model the different legal theories used to establish a link between plaintiff and defendant.
  3. (optional): a vizualisation could be done to offer a didactic overview of what product liability is
  4. A triple store is set.
  5. Starting from the defined ontology, the triple store is then populated with information about different applicable legal product liability theories. This is done by venue (country, state or province) and other criteria (e.g. type of product).
  6. A simple RESTfull API can be defined on top of the SPARQL-Endpoint to querry information about product liability.
  7. Bonus points: determine anticipated changes to applicable legal theories
Examples of results
  • Strict liability applicable in Germany for damages caused by products sold to consumers without further processing
  • Strict liability cause of action not available in North Carolina - contributory negligence applies.
  • TBD
  • project/legal/productliability.1379320920.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/09/16 10:42
  • by alog