
This is an old revision of the document!

We have started a survey to sharpen our awareness of the community, learn more about people like you who support the initiative, follow our community, participate in events, and contribute to projects. Our goal is to gather data that can help shape an even more exciting and impactful programme in 2013-2014. The results are immediately open to interpretation by all.

Please take a few minutes to respond to our current survey if you haven't already. Feel free to make suggestions here or on the forum.

The survey is structured in three parts. At the top are the questions we consider “critical to the future”, which is to decide which topics people are most interested in, and what data people want to see become more open (through licensing, access, apps, etc.)

In optional part 2, we ask visitors to complete a brief anonymous profile so we can find out what distribution of people exists in our community.

And, finally, in part 3, visitors have the option of telling us more about the projects they worked on, which could give us valuable guidance on helping open data makers make and thrive.

The survey comes out of numerous conversations over the past year with people who wished to learn more about the community itself - in order to help it grow, compare to open data movements in other countries, and so on.

  • loleg (contact for change requests)
  • André
  • Christian
  • Barbara K.
  • Beat E.
  • project/survey.1367448931.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/05/02 00:55
  • (external edit)