
This is an old revision of the document!

“The photo collection of WW I is one of the largest of the Swiss Federal Archives. It contains more than 5125 negatives on glass plates which are successively digitized. They document the active service of the Swiss Army during the first World War Can you guess where the pictures were taken?”

This is a web game about guessing and learning about geography through imagea and maps, made with Swisstopo's GeoAdmin online maps of Switzerland. For several years this game was developed as part of a series of GeoAdmin StoryMaps: you can try the original SwissGuesser game here, based on the dataset mentioned above, now hosted at

At #GLAMhack 2017 we play-tested, revisited the data, then forked and started a refresh of the project. So far we updated all library dependencies but got rid of the old data loading mechanism, with the goal of connecting (later in real time) to open data sources.

Encouraged by an excellent Wikidata workshop, we are testing a new dataset of Swiss museums, their locations and photos, obtained via the Wikidata Linked Data endpoint (see app/data/*.sparql in wikidata-initial branch). This opens the possibility of connecting other sources, such as datasets tagged 'glam' on, and creating more custom games based on this engine.

Demo: Wikidata Query for first 10 results.

We also came up with a few concrete improvement ideas in mind, and we would be glad to see more ideas and any contributions: please raise an Issue or Pull Request on GitHub if you're so inclined!

<GITHUB loleg/openguesser>

  • project/openguesser.1505575735.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/09/16 17:28
  • by loleg