

You can find the results of your search below.

information @information
11 Hits, Last modified:
om activities of in 2011-2016: * [[information:badge]] * [[information:coverage]] * [[information:github]] * [[information:quickstart]] * [[information:showcase]] * [[information:tags]] * [[informat
hotornot @project
10 Hits, Last modified:
approaches our service takes advantage of hidden information from social demographic and economic values and u... as Cantons and Municipalities who want to tailor information/communication/projects * Planning and engineeri... develop and sell new products ===== Background Information about the project ===== === Data === BEN Energy... sample data set (approximately 5000 records) with information about utility customers which included social dem
linkedbisses @project
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l started from that idea : how to gather relevant information in one app. The word Bisses (or Suonen in swiss g... , they are typical of the Valais region. A lot of information do exist on bisses. You can already find “l’asso... ick. Why not a new APPS which will link all these information regarding bisses : localization, fauna, flora, kn... rants ( “bisses menu”) Use social network : live information with tweet, photos on Instagram, pinterest… Use a
health @data
9 Hits, Last modified:
Resources & Repositories ====== ==== Statistical informations ==== * ==== Diverse Swiss information links ==== * Haute école de santé http://www.h... vered under Medicare Part D) * Statistische Information über Krankheiten: n-open-source-create-better-prosthetics * Genom-Information: * http://curetogethe
opendatabutton @project:legal
8 Hits, Last modified:
wiki/List-of-foi-websites-and-projects|Freedom of Information requests]], or another campaign. {{https://data.... ts, there are many relevant and useful sources of information, which may even be published online and accessibl... rough a [[|Freedom of Information]] request process, but they may not be willing to go "all the way". Something like an /
case_law_as_a_service_claas @project
7 Hits, Last modified:
lable online - but are not accessible enough. The information is stored in opaque formats, with inadequate meta... rming etc. ==== {{:project:ideas.jpg?300|}} ===== Information Life Cycle ===== * Crawl + Identify -> Dataset...|Demo server]]. For further information see: [[project:legal:swiss_supremecourt|Swiss Sup... n immediately be used to search and interact with information. Check out the [[
glam_ch @data
7 Hits, Last modified:
tand-der-stadt-zurich2|Dogs of Zurich (Dog holder information, Dog breed classification)]] * [[https://ope... tadata]] * Swiss National Biodiversity Data and Information Centres – * [[ ngs, films and videos as well as context-relevant information. **Memobase** **API:** [[https://api.memobase.c... pages/331939971/Datenmodell|Data Model]] for more information about the various fields. — **Collection Radio
virtual_3d_exhibition @project
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al 2D digital presentations the user does not get information about the real scale of the artworks and gets wro... ject:bui-exhib.jpg?nolink&300|}} ==== Technical Information ==== Our code is on Github, both the [[https://g... == The [[|Databases and Information Systems Group]] at the University of Basel is the... tdoc @ [[|Databases and Information Systems Group]] * Ralph Gasser, PhD Student @ [
denkmalfuehrer @project
7 Hits, Last modified:
dem Objekt sind Beschreibungen, Fotos und weitere Informationen verfügbar, welche aus den Open Data Beständen b... en Nutzern zu Verfügung gestellt werden. Weitere Informationen sind in der [[ === Ideen/ Use Cases === * Anzeige von Denkmalinformationen auf einer interaktiven Karte * User kann die POIs auswählen und erhält weitere Informationen dazu, z.B. Baujahr, Name, Epoche, etc. * Us
open_science @project
6 Hits, Last modified:
ation slides from camp 2012]] **Information overload in science**\\ Modern science produces ... tried by others. <html><span style="color:blue"> Information overload and non-transparency of research process... would automatically find and recommend scientists information which is relevant to their research. This would m... ze duplication of research efforts and reduce the information overload. {{:project:science_current_vs_future.p
swiss_art_stories_on_twitter @project
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The idea of the project is to automatically tweet information on Swiss art, artists and exhibitions. Original... re discussed and programmed, such as: - Tweeting information about upcoming exhibitions at Kunsthaus Zürich an... ith approaching deadlines - Tweets with specific information about artists, taken from the artists database SI... ship history (provenance) of artworks. As the the information is scientifically researched, larthipppie provide
2013-03 @event
6 Hits, Last modified:
ter und Stefan Zollinger, Orell Füssli Wirtschaftsinformationen OFWI: [[|Öffentliche vern... . Linked open data aims to connect these solitary informations to the other data sources in the web. If each da... Data 5 stars. To create an added value, different information from various data sources must be linked together... ed Open Data sets (as DBPedia, geoNames), and the information from the different sources can thus be queried at
lotd @project
5 Hits, Last modified:
. Linked open data aims to connect these solitary informations to the other data sources in the web. If each da... of the canton is provided which holds additional information (e.g. population, number of music festivals). This information forms the basis for further navigation. The addit... proach ===== To create an added value, different information from various data sources must be linked together
4 Hits, Last modified:
|open data projects]]. For our blog and all other information please visit **[[|]]... ere, welcome! Here are some useful links: * **[[information:quickstart|Open Data Quickstart]]** * [[user:ho... o post your maker profile on this wiki?]] * **[[information:showcase|Where can I find Open Data projects?]]**... ect?]]** * [[resource:home|Useful resources and information]] ===== Social Media ===== Please use the tag *
mutilingual_data_search @project
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CU Authority files and Wikidata to bring end user information about authors in the language he wants. {{ :proj... ermediate process using GND ID to get description information and wikidata ID - from wikidata get the others ... systems and the end user, who wants to search for information or to locate a book in a nearby library. **Libra... an and Italian. **What changes is the source of information about the author** which will in the future be ta
2017-05 @glam
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energy @data
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open_daten_plattform_oev_schweiz @project
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pmropenfixmap @project
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2020-06 @event
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2011-09-lausanne @event
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2016-07 @event
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crowdtagging @project
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holiday_apartments @project
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stredani @user
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vsjfrefugees_migration @project
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discoverabilitythroughstructure @project
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thematizer @project
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annemarie_schwarzenbach_photo_collection @project
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rules @information
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project @project
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opera_forever @project
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2012-09 @event
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swiss_open_government_licence @project:legal
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masstortplatform @project:legal
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smartski @project
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2016-04 @event
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legal @data
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rules @fr:information
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zwuermli @project
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graphing_the_stateless @project
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guides @resource
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2012-04 @event
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energiestrategie_2050 @project
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hds_out_of_the_box @project
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historical_maps @project
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historical_tours @project
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swiss_courts @project:legal
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productliability @project:legal
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cumulizer @project
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user @user
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2017-06 @glam
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2017-06-07 @glam
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covimas @project
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badge @information
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rules @de:information
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openfooddna @project
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showcase @information
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2017-09 @event
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crowdpee @project
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openprivacypolicy @project:legal
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swissgamesshowcase @project
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wasteland @project
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sportee @project
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vonundzuzuerich @project
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sqlrdf_mapper @project
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swissvideogamesdirectory @project
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zuerichmoodindex @project
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time_gazer @project
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transport_api @project
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student_migration @project
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weartonauts @project
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kuhnf @user
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zuericrime @project
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webetsocial @user
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an_unexpected_journey @project:schweizer_kleinmeister
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data @project:motornot
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r @project:hotornot
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data @project:hotornot
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ipollution @project:health
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timeline @fr:information
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licensing @data:ch
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dokuwiki @wiki
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zarkonnen @user
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yann @user
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tho @user
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resource @resource
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stefan @user
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simon_bricolo @user
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pschaer @user
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phil @user
1 Hits, Last modified:
loleg @user
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sbbscope @project
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giorgio @user
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fabrice.hong @user
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benjamin_wiederkehr @user
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andstein @user
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sitg2osm @project
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jsignage-transport @project
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protectwildlife @project
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fr @fr
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blitzpoll @project
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biz @project
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basicopendataideasforarchives @project
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bake_open_data @project
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associative_image_search @project
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analyzecordis @project
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census-ch @okfn
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quickstart @information
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2022-09 @glam
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who @fr
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intro @fr
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2022-11 @event
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ch_euro_geigermaps @project
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2018-10 @event
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2015-02 @event
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2014-5 @event
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2013-10 @event
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2013-09 @event
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2013-03-bern @event
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who @en
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intro @en
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who @de
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sitg @data
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glam @data
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born-died-ch @project
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compare-hospitals @project
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pollenapp @project
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jung_rilke_correspondance_network @project
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politweets @project
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performing_arts_ontology @project
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peaks @project
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openletten @project
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openaid @project
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oevcheck @project
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monument_lists @project
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licensing-model @project
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league_of_nations_pictures_annotation @project
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kirchenarchive @project
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kamusi @project
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age @data
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cultural_radio @project
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interest_finder @project
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instacare @project
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induo @project
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hub_des_bibliotheques_genevoises @project
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healthmotionchart @project
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gutenberg_memory @project
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graph_queries @project
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glamsearchportal @project
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genestobiodiversity @project
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emergency_or_not @project
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ec @project
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dncsonyc @project
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tangiblestatistics @project:transport
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