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<html><!– Start Navigation –> <table border=“0”> <tr> <td> <img src=“http://glam.opendata.ch/files/2014/05/glam2-200.png” width=“85” /> </td> <td width=“12px”> </td> <td> <b><big><a href=“/wiki/event:2015-02”>Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2015</a></big></b> <br/> <a href=“/wiki/event:2015-02#Details”>Practical Details</a>

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1st Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon

The Hackathon will take place on 27 / 28 February 2015 at the Swiss National Library in Bern. You can get more information like the program and the practical details below.

You can now register to participate to the Hackathon. Be sure to register quickly because there is only a limited number of places available.

You will get the latest news on the Hackathon on the openGLAM.ch blog.

The thematic focus of the Hackathon will be on using cultural heritage data/content online for research purposes in Digital Humanities and related areas, as well as in the context of Wikipedia and Wikimedia. Participants are welcome to re-use the open data/open content provided for other purposes, such as the development of apps or artistic re-mixes. We particularly encourage the participation of software developers, researchers and domain experts interested in using cultural data, data providers, designers, and idea providers.

The Hackathon is also an excellent means for heritage institutions to enter into dialogue with software developers, researchers, and Wikipedians, in order to put their data and digitized collections to wider free use.

Organised by the OpenGLAM.ch working group, together with :

<html><a name=“Details”></a></html>


Friday, February 27 2015, 9 a.m. - midnight<html><br/></html> Saturday, February 28 2015, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.


Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek<html><br/></html> 15 Hallwylstrasse, 3003 Bern<html><br/></html> Direction on this access map

How to register?

You can now register by getting your ticket on Eventbrite. But be sure to do it quickly because there is only a limited number of places available. You can secure your ticket by following this link to the registration platform.

How to contact us?

If you have questions to the organization commitee, please contact us here: <html><a href=“mailto:hackathon2015@openglam.ch”>hackathon2015@openglam.ch</a></html>.

<html><a name=“Program”></a></html>

Friday, February 27
09:00 Welcome desk at the premises of the National Library
10:00 Welcome message
Pitching of project ideas
Creation of groups
from 10:30 Group work on the project
12:30 Lunch
18:00 Short presentation of the projects
State of advancement
19:00 Dinner and/or group work on the projects (self organised)
24:00 End of first day

There will be a parallel program of short presentations on selected topics like:

  • introduction to wikidata
  • digital humanists tools
  • GLAM Wiki Toolset
  • Wikipedians in Residence
  • etc.
Friday, February 28
09:00 Group work on the projects
10:00 Introductory session
12:30 Lunch
16:30 Wrap up
Project presentation
17:30 Open Cultural Hackathon in Switzerland: what’s next?
18:00 End of second day
19:00 Dinner (optional, self organised)

In order to be successful, the event needs you to share your programming skills, your data or most importantly, your ideas! How can you commit yourself ?

Come and experience the Hackathon!<html><br/></html> First of all, join us on the 27 and 28 February for two days of fun, innovation and digital brainstorming. It is great if you are a programmer and you are ready to help with your skills, but we are also looking for non-hacking people such as patrimonial specialists or researchers in digital humanities.

You can already bring in ideas about ways to use cultural data<html><br/></html> Have a look at the cultural data swiss and international patrimonial institutions published under open licenses.

You can help by sharing cultural data<html><br/></html> You may own yourself cultural data that you are ready to share. Please look at these infosheet (German/French) on how to share data. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact <html><a href=“mailto:beat.estermann@openglam.ch”>beat.estermann@openglam.ch</a></html>.

Share your discoveries of unspotted cultural data<html><br/></html> Maybe you are aware of interesting cultural data. In preparation for the hackathon we are putting together a list of such datasets links to interesting data. We encourage you to contribute to it by adding new items.

<html><a name=“Projects”></a></html>

Idea / Topic: Ingest heritage metadata into Wikidata


Ingest heritage (meta)data into Wikidata - The WikiProject “Sum of All Paintings” could be a good start: Its goal is to ingest metadata of all paintings throughout the world into Wikidata and eventually to provide reproductions of public domain or freely licensed paintings on Wikimedia Commons. In the context of the Swiss Hackathon, we could focus on ingesting metadata of paintings from Swiss heritage institutions.

Further candidates include:

  • Historical monuments
  • Public artworks
  • Heritage institutions
  • Productions of the performing arts

Further challenges to be tackled include:

  • Build apps on top of the heritage metadata contained in Wikidata
  • Find ways to automatically manage updates and error reports.

From the point of view of a heritage institution: How to re-import modified metadata from Wikidata to the institutions’ database in order to benefit from inputs from the community while ensuring proper quality management? How to re-export corrected metadata to Wikidata?<html><br/></html> From the point of view of Wikidata: How to re-import metadata reviewed by the institution? In the case of disagreement: Where do we treat the institution as the authoritative source? Where do we trust the inputs provided by the volunteers? Where are joint standardization efforts required?)

Resources (examples, similar applications, etc.):
  • Signallying errors by the community / review by the institution / correcting data:**
    • Wikiprojekt Schweizer Denkmallisten (all processes are still manual)
Data sets required:
  • Catalogue data (and possibly digital reproductions) from art museums - with a focus on paintings)
  • Cultural properties inventory (KGS-Inventar)
  • Monuments databases from various cantonal services
  • Inventory of Swiss heritage institutions
  • Performing arts metadata

Note: Metadata need to be provided under a CC-0 or compatible license.

Interested attendees:

Beat Estermann

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Idea / Topic: OpenGLAM Inventory / OpenGLAM Census


Creation of a database containing all the heritage institutions in Switzerland. For each heritage institution, all collections are listed. For each collection the degree of digitization and the level of openness are indicated: metadata / content available in digital format? available online? available under an open license? etc.

The challenge is twofold:

  1. we need to find a technical solution that scales well over time and across national borders.
  2. the processes to regularly collect data about the collections and their status need to be set up.
Resources (examples, similar applications, etc.):
  • Inventories of heritage institutions:
    • National inventories of heritage institutions are created as part of the OpenGLAM Benchmark Survey; there is also a network of national contacts in a series of countries which have been involved in a common data collection exercise.
  • Open Data Census:
    • There is an international Open Data Census for Open Government Data. After some discussion, the international OpenGLAM working group has reached the conclusion that the approach used cannot directly be applied to the GLAM sector, as heritage institutions’ collections are rather heterogeneous.

Open Government Vorgehensmodell (KDZ Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung, Wien)

Data sets required:
  • Inventory of Swiss heritage institutions
  • Inventory of collections for (every) heritage institution in Switzerland
Interested attendees:

Beat Estermann

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Idea / Topic: [add your own idea ! ]


[add a small description here]

Resources (examples, similar applications, etc.):

[add a list of resources here]

Data sets required:

[add the required data sets here]

Interested attendees:

[add your name here if you are interested to take part]

  • event/2015-02.1420667016.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/01/07 22:43
  • by noyerf