Open Elections & Politics data
We are collecting sources for the September 2015 National Elections Hackday on this page. We aim to facilitate access and provide the most usable versions of open data resources applicable to Swiss elections here. If you have any other suggestions, please leave us a note in the forums. Many thanks to the data journalism teams working on preparing the hackdays for their inputs.
We recommend visiting the Politics section of for current open government data related to this topic. A live excerpt showing some of the latest publications:
<html><a href=“”><img src=“” width=“150” vspace=“15”></a>
<script src=“”></script><script src=“”></script><script src=“”></script><script src=“”></script>
<script>ck.datasets(“#ckan-embed-1”,“”,{ fq: 'groups:politics', rows: 5, lang: 'en', jsonp: true });</script> </html>
Additional resources
Election Process & Results
- Ranking of Motions (Vorstösse NRSR)
- Datasets from SRF Data team specially prepared for the hackdays
Watchdogs, Communities, Analysis
- Politnetz API (use token: opendata)
- SoMePolis (see 'Archivierte Daten' for poli-tweets)
Population, Society, Geography
- FORS Social Science (* requires registration; under Institution select 'Election Hackdays')
Local Datasets
- City of Zürich, see Open Data Portal and introductory slides
- Sitzverteilung in den städtischen Legislativen und Exekutiven (clean xslx)
- Gemeinderatskandidaten - Herkunft der Stimmen 2014 (clean xlsx)
- Steuerbares Einkommen in der Stadt Zürich (clean xlsx)
- Kanton of Zurich, see and introductory slides
- Nationalratswahlen 2015: Beispieldaten (am 18.10. laufend aktualisiert)
- Ständeratswahlen 2015: Beispieldaten (am 18.10. laufend aktualisiert)