
Transport Flows

The idea is to map public transportation flows in Switzerland. The focus is on visualizing the network of SBB CFF (trains, S-Bahn). This visualization was later animated and published by the NZZ: Die Eisenbahn, die nie ganz schläft.

  1. Learning: Facts about the train network are revealed that are not obvious and surprise the consumer
  2. Aesthetics: the result is visualized in a creative and innovative way and shows the dynamic of the train network
  3. The visualization allows user interactions to have a deeper look into some details
  • Benjamin Wiederkehr
  • Joel Bez
  • Sylke Gruhnwald
  • Dagmar Muth
  • Patrick Stählin
  • Patrick Zahnd
  • Ilya Boyandin
  • Thomas Preusse

swisstrains. The data consists of train-schedules and a mapping from single trains to tracks on a map. As the track-data has been traced from Google Imagery we don't consider this data Opendata. Getting the tracks from OpenStreetmap would be a nice project for another Hackday.


  • Departure
  • Arrival
  • Speed: average speed and speed changes on a train’s track


  • A train’s track on the map
  • Stops per track

Train capacity

  • Degree of capacity utilized (is the train crowded or not?)
  • Length of trains ⇒ number of passengers


  • Degree of tracks occupied (per hour, per day)
  • Stations as intersections (how important is a station for the network?)

Train types

  • Different types: IC, S-Bahn, Interregio etc.
  • Name of a specific train (IC123)


  • Per train
  • Per track
  • Waiting times of trains in a station
  • project/transport/transportflows.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/09/28 09:14
  • by alicesmith