
This is an old revision of the document!

This project should give the users the opportunity to search for holiday apartments. The users can enter a city on a map and all free apartments are shown with the relevant information.

Github Project:

The project is based on two steps.

  • 1st step: show apartments on a map with fake data
  • 2nd step: get the information from different web platforms like, etc.

What data is needed?

  • Location (Lat/Len)
  • Date
  • Number of persons
  • is the apartment free?
  • Price
  • Fabian Imsand
  • Angelo Burgener

The links below are just examples where you could get the final information.

  • project/holiday_apartments.1363966797.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/03/22 16:39
  • by suma