Short clip edited to document the GLAMHack 2016, featuring short interviews with hackathon participants that we recorded on site and additional material from the Open Cultural Data Sets made available for the hackathon.
Music - Public Domain Music Recordings and Metadata / Swiss Foundation Public Domain
- Amilcare Ponchielli (1834-1886), La Gioconda, Dance of the hours (part 2), recorded in Manchester, 29. Juli 1941
- Joseph Haydn, Trumpet Concerto in E Flat, recorded on the 19. Juni 1946
Aerial Photographs by Eduard Spelterini / Swiss National Library
- Eduard Spelterini, Basel between 1893 and 1923. See picture.
- Eduard Spelterini, Basel between 1893 and 1902. See picture.
Bilder 1945-1973 / Dodis
- 1945: Ankunft jüdischer Flüchtlinge
- 1945: Flüchtlinge an der Grenze
- Jan Baumann (infoclio.ch)
- Enrico Natale (infoclio.ch)