
This is an old revision of the document!

Screenshots, sketches go here.

Brief description goes here. Add sections below if you need more room.

Include links to your demo and/or source code.

  • Daniel Studer, studerda (Ideator/Designer, AGR)
  • Beat Dänzer (Data Owner, FV)
  • Marx Stampfli (DataOwner, BFH)
  • Stefan Zollinger, stefan (Developer/Designer, OrellFüssli)
  • Jonas Wagner, jwagner (Developer, raptus)
  • Matthias Roggo (Developer, ETHZ)
  • Relevant documentation …
  • Blog or forum posts …
  • Tools you used …
  • project/finanzausgleich_bern.1364043113.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/03/23 13:51
  • by studerda