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Wiki Welcome

The Swiss Make Open Data Camps are collaborative events uniting ideators, developers and designers to create amazing things with open data. This wiki is used for collaboration by hackday participants and organizers. Register, log in, use it - it's yours! For any questions, ideas and all things that are not “documentation”: feel free to ask on the forum.

Here you can find details of the next event, as well as events in the past, start, discover, and contribute to open data projects. For all other information please visit the Opendata.ch association, the Swiss chapter of the Open Knowledge Foundation.

What's MAKE-ing

Sports Hackdays: Ready, Steady, Go!

Time to kick off the first International Sports Hackdays: two days of data wrangling, visualizing games and working on apps that matter to fans and athletes alike, to improve, to have fun, and to win. Taking place on 23-24 May as a global event, the hackdays will be headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, with local nodes being planned all over Europe. Register here!

Browse past events

Please use the tag #makeopendata on Twitter, Flickr, etc.

You can chat on the IRC channel #makeopendata on Freenode with your favorite client, or just use the webchat to jump in right now.

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  • home.1397160256.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014/04/10 22:04
  • by loleg