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mix'n'hack - 5th Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon

Our fifth Open Cultural Data Hackathon will take place on 6-8 September 2019 at the brand new cultural center Les Arsenaux in Sion. This edition is a collaboration with Museomix.ch and will combine the makeathon approach of Museomix with our open data hackathon format. The Médiathèque Valais, the State Archives and Cantonal Museums are our hosting partners. Further partners include Wikimedia CH, infoclio and the members of the Friends of OpenGLAM Network.

What is the mix'n'hack? During the mix'n'hack, we invite you to experiment with cultural data! Our aim is to imagine new ways to valorize our digital heritage and encourage their appropriation by different users. In a multidisciplinary team accompanied by coaches and experts, present your ideas or participate in the development of a functional prototype, whether a web or mobile application, a mediation device or an artistic performance. Whether you are a coder, an artist, a scientist, a mediator or have a completely different profile, you do not need any specific experience to join us!

How does it work? On the Friday morning, people have the opportunity to present an idea or a dataset (or a special hardware). We then help them forming groups to work during the weekend. The rest of the day as well as the Saturday is spent working on a project with some coaches to help you out. We are also working with the local FabLab so you can also “construct” stuff or make use of electronic devices. On the Sunday, the teams finish their project and at 4pm, the public is invited to test your prototypes.

Languages: As the participants usually come from different linguistic regions, the communication during the event will be held in several languages: English (main language), French and German. Don't let the language barrier scare you off, our coaches will be there to help you if necessary!

How to share your data? You may own yourself cultural data that you are ready to share. Please look at these infosheets (German / French) on how to share data. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact lionel.walter@openglam.ch.

Registration: If you want to participate to the mix'n'hack, please register here. The participation is free. If you just want to come and have a look at the presentations or see how the mix'n'hack works, you do not need to register.

Contact: If you have any questions regarding the mix'n'hack, you may contact Valérie Hashimoto valerie.hashimoto@openglam.ch.

Pre-events: A pre-event to the mix'n'hack has taken place on Wednesday 5 June at Les Arsenaux in Sion. A second pre-event was held in form of an Apéromix at the Palais de Rumine in Lausanne on Thursday 13 June.

Join us on Facebook or Twitter

Photo: Inside view of Les Arsenaux by Dominic Steinmann.

How to get to the Centre culturel Les Arsenaux

Sion is located in the mountainous canton of Valais, about 1.5 hours away from Geneva or Bern and 2.5 hours away from Basel or Zurich (SBB timetables). The Centre culturel Les Arsenaux can be reached in 10 minutes on foot from Sion train station (map). The easiest way is to walk up Avenue de la Gare and turn left on Rue de Lausanne.

How to get to the Youth Hostel

The Youth Hostel is situated right behind Sion train station (map). The youth hostel has a limited number of chargeable car parking spaces.

Check-in: 17h-22h / Check-out: 8h-10h

For more information about the hostel: Sion Youth Hostel

  • Cooperation with Museomix: This year, we are joining forces with Museomix! Our event will thus be at the crossroads of makeathon and hackathon. This means that there will be the possibility to create physical prototypes by making use of the Arsenaux's maker-space. Coaches and people from FabLabs will be there to help you out. By the end of the event, each team will be requested to present a prototype, either digital or physical, which allows an interaction with the audience.
  • Pluralism as main topic: In order to give the mix’n’hack a uniform character, we have defined a main topic: pluralism. The theme is inspired by the pluridisciplinary approach of the Arsenaux. The participants are completely free to interpret this theme as they see fit. Some groups might try to combine a plurality of datasets in their project, others will perhaps investigate the linguistic pluralism of databases in Switzerland. Of course, pluralism can also be integrated through the thematic contents of the datasets. This is why we encourage institutions to identify contents which are thematically related to pluralism, either explicitly or in a broader sense.
  • Coaches / Mentors: Those of you who come from the Museomix community know that the makathons are well structured and that the teams are provided with some support by coaches. For the mix'n'hack, we will hire professionals from different fields, which will help you and your team by asking you questions, testing your prototypes and giving you advice so that you can stay focused on what is truly important.
  • Mix-room: Another element from the Museomix universe. The mix-room is like a laboratory where people document and communicate about the ongoing projects. It is a vibrant place for communication amateurs and professionals alike.

(the detailed programme is subject to change)

Friday, 6 September 2019
08:30 - 09:30 Welcome Desk: Arrival of participants
09:30 - 10:00 Opening Ceremony: introductory explanations
10:00 - 10:30 Presentation of datasets
10:30 - 11:30 Group Formation
Work in groups
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch (open buffet)
Work in groups
14:00 Presentation of fablab and other resources
Work in groups
16:00 Technical check-up
18:00 Short presentations of the projects
19:00 - 21:00 Dinner (open buffet)
Work in groups
23:00 End of day 1
Saturday, 7 September 2019
08:30 Welcome desk and work space open
09:00 - 09:30 Announcements
Work in groups
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch (open buffet)
Work in groups
15:00 Technical check-up
16:00 Crash Tests
18:00 Short presentations of the projects
19:00 - 21:00 Dinner (open buffet)
Work in groups
23:00 End of day 2
Sunday, 8 September 2019
09:00 Announcements
Work in groups
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch (open buffet)
16:00 - 18:00 Public Event
16:00 - 16:30 Presentation session of the final projects
16:30 - 18:00 Testing of prototypes by visitors
17:00 - 18:00 Announcement of the audience's favourite project, Closing Ceremony, Apéro

Below you can find some cultural datasets which would be a good fit for this year Mix'n'Hack in Sion. But of course, participants can work on the cultural datasets of their choice. Have a look at the full list of Swiss Cultural Datasets for more inspiration.

Photographs of Valais by Charles Rieder (1890-1910)

Photo : In front of the Arsenal, Sion, 1900. By Charles Rieder, Médiathèque Valais – Martigny, used under CC BY

Charles Rieder, owner of the Café de Genève in Sion, was also an amazing photographer who left us 243 negatives on glass plates, taken between 1890 and 1920. The subjects are conventional: portraits, processions, celebrations, but the photographer's perspective is original and not devoid of humour

Source: Mediatheque Valais - Martigny

Online Catalog: Fonds Charles Rieder

Data: https://opendata.swiss/dataset/photographs-of-valais-by-charles-rieder

Recordings about Valais life by Basile Tabin (1957-1994)

Photo : Grand Cortège Historique, Sion, 1899. By Charles Rieder, Médiathèque Valais – Martigny, used under CC BY

Le fonds Basile Tabin est l’un des 60 fonds sonores conservés à la Médiathèque Valais – Martigny. Le fonds a été déposé en 2000 à la Médiathèque Valais – Martigny. Il est constitué d’une trentaine d’enregistrements sonores, sur bandes magnétiques, et enregistrés par Basile Tabin (1904-2000) – chasseur de son actif en Valais jusqu’aux années 1990 dans la région de Sierre. Il contient en particulier des enregistrements à caractère ethnographique : captation de pièce de théâtre, de musique -essentiellement populaire – et un entretien sur support DAT avec Basile Tabin, alors âgé de 90 ans, qui revient sur ses souvenirs de famille.

Source: Mediatheque Valais - Martigny

Online Catalog: Fonds Basile Tabin

Data: https://opendata.swiss/de/dataset/recordings-by-basile-tabin-about-valais

Postcards from Valais (1890-1950)

Photo : Postcard representing Monthey. Musées cantonaux du Valais – Musée d’histoire, used under CC BY

A collection of 3900 postcards from Valais. Some highlights are churches, cable cars, landscapes and traditional costumes.

Source: Musées cantonaux du Valais – Musée d’histoire

Data: https://opendata.swiss/en/dataset/postcards-from-valais-1890-1950

Gietro Collection

Lettre du Préfet d'Entremont au Conseiller d'Etat au département des ponts et chaussées. 1863.

Historical Documents about the Gietro Glacier Catastrophe which killed 38 persons in 1818.

Source: Archives de l'Etat du Valais

Data: 1st part and 2nd part

Metadata: IIIF Manifests

Metadata from the Valais Archive

Description of the collections of Valais State Archive.

Source: Archives de l'Etat du Valais

Online Catalog: https://scopequery.vs.ch/suchinfo.aspx

Data: https://opendata.swiss/dataset/metadata-valais-state-archive

Photo by Les amis du patois d'Hérémence, Médiathèque Valais - Martigny, used under CC BY

The Mediatheque Valais has digitized many images, recordings and films about Valais. However most of them are still under copyright and therefore not freely usable. During the hackathon, it will be possible to discuss with the collections manager to see what is possible to do. For example :

88 recordings about Valais Patois
155 movies about the daily life in Valais (1930-1978)
405 Posters about Valais

On top of that, two other collections might be useful for the hackathon

Artothèque : the Mediatheque has a lendable collection of Artworks
Metadata of the 700'000+ documents from Mediatheque Valais - Sion

Aerial Photographs Eduard Spelterini

Between 1890 and 1910 Eduard Spelterini (1852-1931) undertook a number of travels by balloon over Switzerland and other countries. While doing this, he took photographs from above. Pictures from a bird’s eye view from this time are very rare, so this collection is an important contribution to historical research.

Data: https://opendata.swiss/en/dataset/bildersammlung-eduard-spelterini

Rainer Maria Rilke Manuscripts

A lot of manuscripts, letters and pictures from the famous poet and novelist Rainer Maria Rilke, who spent the end of his life in Valais.

Data: https://opendata.swiss/en/dataset/handschriften-rainer-maria-rilke

Media Coverage

Press review


The event was organized by the OpenGLAM CH Working Group of the opendata.ch association, with contributions from:

Organization Committee
Beat Estermann, coordinator of the OpenGLAM Working Group
Valérie Hashimoto, project coordinator
Oleg Lavrovsky
Frédéric Noyer (co-lead programm committee)
Charlotte Mader (co-lead programm committee)
Opendata.ch / Basel University Library
Lionel Walter (lead dataset team)
Enrico Natale
Les Arsenaux
Damian Elsig
Michael Ravedoni
State Archives of Valais
Alain Dubois
Cantonal Museums of Valais
Pascal Ruedin

Sponsors / Supporting Organizations

The GLAMmix'n'hack is made possible by financial and/or in kind contributions from Les Arsenaux, Médiathèque Valais, the State Archives and Cantonal Museums, Museomix.ch, Wikimedia CH and infoclio.ch, the City of Sion, pour-cent culturel Migros, Engagement Migros, the Ernst Göhner Stiftung, and the members of the Friends of OpenGLAM Network.

  • event/2019-09.1568009080.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/09/09 08:04
  • by beat_estermann