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Open Energy Data Hackdays

The Open Energy Data Hackdays are coming up on April 8 & 9, 2016. The make.opendata.ch Hackday will parallely take place in Innertkirchen and on the top of Mont-Crosin: We’ll go to where the energy comes from.

The Open Energy Data Hackdays are where developers and designers, big data experts and mobile app specialists, experts and amateurs, startup entrepren- eurs and corporate managers, citizen and data journalists come together alike to solve problems and create new insights with open data. The Hackdays are a joint initiative of the IDS Datenwelten at the University of Applied Sciences in Lucerne and Opendata.ch. Energie Schweiz supports the event as partner.

Inspirational questions for the Energy Hackdays

Making data used and useful for a wider community is key to gain shared understanding and new productive apps, visualizations and services tackling questions such as:

* How can we use data to make electric mobility simpler, better, and more frictionless?

* How can we use data to better heat, cool and manage our homes and workplaces?

* How can we use data to better communicate and understand our energy system, from the production to the distribution and to our very own consumption?

* How can data help to use energy in new and smarter ways?

Venue & Registration

Innterkirchen: Grimseltor, Grimselstrasse 2, 3862 Innertkirchen

Mont-Crosin: Auberge Vert-Bois, 2610 Mont-Crosin

Tickets are available on Eventbrite

How to get involved

Come and experience the Hackdays!

Join us in April for two days of fun, ambitious projects and innovative talks. It is great if you are a programmer or working in media or involved in politics, and you are ready to help with your skills, and we are also looking for non-technical people across all domains who are interested in the broader topic of energy and energy data

Share your suggestions for data

Are you aware of interesting data and topics for the Energy Hackdays? In preparation for the hackdays we are putting together a list of open energy datasets. We encourage you to contribute to it by adding new items.


(status: work in progress)

Friday, April 8

  • 10:00 Registration, Coffee and Croissants
  • 10:30 Welcoming speech
  • 10:40 Input speech
  • 10:50 Teaming up, exchanging ideas
  • 11:00 Start to work
  • 12:30 Skype Call with other hackday-location
  • 13:00 Lunch break
  • 14:00 Hacking (coffee and snacks are being provided)
  • 18:00 Presenting the projects (work in progress)
  • 19:00 Pizza ;-)
  • 20:00 Continue to work (if you wish to)

Saturday, April 9

  • 9:00 Breakfast
  • 10:00 Welcoming and integrating newcomers (Saturday-only participants)
  • 10:10 Working
  • 12:30 Update with other hackday-location
  • 13:00 Lunch break
  • 14:00 Get back to work
  • 16:00 Project-Documentation on Wiki
  • 16:30 Final presentation of projects
  • 17:30 End of Election Hackdays and Apéro

You can contact the organization team for both Innertkirchen and Mont-Crosin at info@opendata.ch

This Open Energy Data Hackday is a co-initiative of the IDS Datenwelten at the University of Applied Sciences Lucerne and the Energy Working Group of Opendata.ch. Energie Schweiz is a supporting partner of the Hackday.

  • event/2016-04.1456864675.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/03/01 21:37
  • by muriel