
This is an old revision of the document!


For the Bern Open Data Camp on April 27, 2012 we were generously sponsored by Netcetera to print a custom t-shirt for every participant. We had to come up with a design quickly based on brand new logos designed by Thierry Blancpain. What better way to express the theme of our event than with Open Data?

Desiring to make a design that suggests a “splashing out” of data, we took the national statistics of cantonal populations, distributed them based on the geographical location of each canton, and plotted a circle with a representative area. Of course the possibilities are endless for more complicated visualizations, and we hope that more creative designs will be used on future Open Data wear.

Here are the sources:

  • project/wear_open_data.1335615973.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012/04/28 00:00
  • (external edit)