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project:viisoo [2015/02/28 12:23] – [ToDos] starfroschproject:viisoo [2015/03/12 12:15] (current) – [Tec / Libraries] added github link loleg
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 ===== ViiSoo ===== ===== ViiSoo =====
-Exploring water visualisation and sonification with Open Data,+Exploring water visualisation and sonification remix with Open Data,
 to make it accessible for people who don't care about data. to make it accessible for people who don't care about data.
-Join us, we have stickers.+Why water? Water is a open accessible element for life. It 
 +flows like data and everyone should have access to it
-===== Data =====+We demand Open Access to data and water. 
 +Join us, we have stickers. 
 +===== Open Data Used =====
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   * [[|Flocking JavaScript audio synthesis framework]]   * [[|Flocking JavaScript audio synthesis framework]]
   * [[|Hugged by stackoverflow]]   * [[|Hugged by stackoverflow]]
-===== Kollektiv Zoll =====+ 
 +<GITHUB jeredepp/viisoo> 
 +===== Team ===== 
 +Created by the members of Kollektiv Zoll
   * [[user:jeredepp]]   * [[user:jeredepp]]
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   * Flavours (snow, lake, river)   * Flavours (snow, lake, river)
   * Image presentation   * Image presentation
 +  * <del> Realtime Input and Processing of Data from an URL</del>
-===== Links =====+===== See it live =====
   *   *
-{{tag>status:concept needs:design glam}}+{{tag>status:demo needs:love glam}}
  • project/viisoo.1425122603.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/02/28 12:23
  • by starfrosch