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project:viisoo [2015/02/27 12:20] – [ViiSoo] jeredeppproject:viisoo [2015/03/12 12:15] (current) – [Tec / Libraries] added github link loleg
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 ===== ViiSoo ===== ===== ViiSoo =====
-More than VisualizationMore than Sonification, meet us @Chiesa+Exploring a water visualisation and sonification remix with Open Data, 
 +to make it accessible for people who don't care about data.
-Making Data accessible for people who don't care about Data+Why water? Water is a open accessible element for life. It 
 +flows like data and everyone should have access to it. 
-===== Data =====+We demand Open Access to data and water.
-  * TBD.+[[|{{:project:viisoo.jpg|}}]]
 +Join us, we have stickers.
 +===== Open Data Used =====
 +  * [[|Aerial Photographs by Eduard Spelterini]]
 +  * [[|Historical Photograph Collection: "Active Service in the World War I (1914-1918)"]]
 +  * [[|Images from the Zurich Central Library's Special Collections]]
 +  * [[|Samples from]]
 +  * [[|Smetana - Die Moldau]]
 +===== Tec / Libraries =====
 +  * HTML5, Client Side Javascript, CSS and Cowbells
 +  * [[|Flocking JavaScript audio synthesis framework]]
 +  * [[|Hugged by stackoverflow]]
 +<GITHUB jeredepp/viisoo>
 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
 +Created by the members of Kollektiv Zoll
   * [[user:jeredepp]]   * [[user:jeredepp]]
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   * [[user:starfrosch]]   * [[user:starfrosch]]
-===== Links =====+===== ToDos =====
-  * TBD. +  * Flavours (snow, lake, river) 
-   +  * Image presentation 
-{{tag>status:concept needs:design}}+  * <del> Realtime Input and Processing of Data from an URL</del>
 +===== See it live =====
 +  *
 +{{tag>status:demo needs:love glam}}
  • project/viisoo.1425036058.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/02/27 12:20
  • by jeredepp