
This is an old revision of the document!

Transport Flows

The idea is to map public transportation flows in Switzerland. The focus is on visualizing the network of SBB CFF (trains, S-Bahn). This visualization was later animated and published by the NZZ: Die Eisenbahn, die nie ganz schläft.

  1. Learning: Facts about the train network are revealed that are not obvious and surprise the consumer
  2. Aesthetics: the result is visualized in a creative and innovative way and shows the dynamic of the train network
  3. The visualization allows user interactions to have a deeper look into some details
  • Benjamin Wiederkehr
  • Joel Bez
  • Sylke Gruhnwald
  • Dagmar Muth
  • Patrick Stählin
  • Patrick Zahnd
  • Ilya Boyandin
  • Thomas Preusse

swisstrains. The data consists of train-schedules and a mapping from single trains to tracks on a map. As the track-data has been traced from Google Imagery we don't consider this data Opendata. Getting the tracks from OpenStreetmap would be a nice project for another Hackday.


  • Departure
  • Arrival
  • Speed: average speed and speed changes on a train’s track


  • A train’s track on the map
  • Stops per track

Train capacity

  • Degree of capacity utilized (is the train crowded or not?)
  • Length of trains ⇒ number of passengers


  • Degree of tracks occupied (per hour, per day)
  • Stations as intersections (how important is a station for the network?)

Train types

  • Different types: IC, S-Bahn, Interregio etc.
  • Name of a specific train (IC123)


  • Per train
  • Per track
  • Waiting times of trains in a station
  • project/transport/transportflows.1376598653.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/08/15 22:30
  • by loleg