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project:swisslibrariesonamap [2019/09/03 10:04] – [Open Datasets] liowalterproject:swisslibrariesonamap [2019/09/03 15:51] (current) liowalter
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 {{tag>status:concept glam}} {{tag>status:concept glam}}
-**Fonds Rieder** 
-=====Open datasets===== 
-=====Other datasets might be closed===== 
-=====Other datasets related to valais===== 
-====== Open Datasets ====== 
-**Photographs of Valais by Charles Rieder**  
-//Photo : In front of the Arsenal, Sion, 1900. By Charles Rieder, Médiathèque Valais – Martigny, used under [[|CC BY]]// 
-Charles Rieder, owner of the Café de Genève in Sion, was also an amazing photographer who left us 243 negatives on glass plates, taken between 1890 and 1920. The subjects are conventional: portraits, processions, celebrations, but the photographer's perspective is original and not devoid of humour 
-**Source:** Mediatheque Valais - Martigny 
-**Online Catalog:** [[|Fonds Charles Rieder]] 
-**Data:** [[]] 
-**Recordings about Valais life by Basile Tabin**  
-//Photo : Grand Cortège Historique, Sion, 1899. By Charles Rieder, Médiathèque Valais – Martigny, used under [[|CC BY]]// 
-Le fonds Basile Tabin est l’un des 60 fonds sonores conservés à la Médiathèque Valais – Martigny. Le fonds a été déposé en 2000 à la Médiathèque Valais – Martigny. Il est constitué d’une trentaine d’enregistrements sonores, sur bandes magnétiques, et enregistrés par Basile Tabin (1904-2000) – chasseur de son actif en Valais jusqu’aux années 1990 dans la région de Sierre. Il contient en particulier des enregistrements à caractère ethnographique : captation de pièce de théâtre, de musique -essentiellement populaire – et un entretien sur support DAT avec Basile Tabin, alors âgé de 90 ans, qui revient sur ses souvenirs de famille.  
-**Source:** Mediatheque Valais - Martigny 
-**Online Catalog:** [[ 
-|Fonds Basile Tabin]] 
-**Data:** [[]] 
-**Postcards from Valais (1890-1950)**  
-//Photo : Postcard representing Monthey. Musées cantonaux du Valais – Musée d’histoire, used under [[|CC BY]]// 
-A collection of 3900 postcards from Valais. 
-**Source:** Musées cantonaux du Valais – Musée d’histoire  
-**Data:** [[]] 
-** Gietro Collection** 
-//Lettre du Préfet d'Entremont au Conseiller d'Etat au département des ponts et chaussées. 1863.// 
-Historical Documents about the Gietro Glacier Catastrophe which killed 44 persons in 1818. 
-**Source:** Archives de l'Etat du Valais 
-**Data:** [[|1st part]] and [[|2nd part]] 
-** Metadata from the Valais Archive ** 
-Description of the collections of Valais State Archive. 
-**Source:** Archives de l'Etat du Valais 
-**Data:** [[]] 
-Below you can find some cultural datasets which would be a good fit for this year Mix'n'Hack in Sion. But of course, participants can work on the cultural datasets of their choice. Have a look at the full list of [[data:glam_ch|Swiss Cultural Datasets]] for more inspiration. 
-| {{ :glam:055ph-00082m.jpg?460 |}} Photo: In front of the Arsenal, Sion, 1900. Copyright : Charles Rieder, Médiathèque Valais – Martigny|**[[|Fonds Charles Rieder]]** \\ \\ Charles Rieder, owner of the Café de Genève in Sion, was also an amazing photographer who left us 243 negatives on glass plates, taken between 1890 and 1920. The subjects are conventional: portraits, processions, celebrations, but the photographer's perspective is original and not devoid of humour. | 
-| [[|{{:glam:moutains.png?460}}]] |**[[|Aerial Photographs Eduard Spelterini]]** \\ \\ Between 1890 and 1910 Eduard Spelterini (1852-1931) undertook a number of travels by balloon over Switzerland and other countries. While doing this, he took photographs from above. Pictures from a bird’s eye view from this time are very rare, so this collection is an important contribution to historical research. | 
-| [[|{{:glam:rilke3.jpg?460}}]] |**[[|Rainer Maria Rilke Manuscripts]]** \\ \\ A lot of manuscripts, letters and pictures from the famous poet and novelist Rainer Maria Rilke, who spent the end of his life in Valais. | 
-| [[|{{:glam:patois.png?460}}]] [[|Photo]] by Les amis du patois d'Hérémence, Médiathèque Valais - Martigny, used under [[|CC BY]]|**[[|Valais Patois]]** \\ \\ The Mediatheque Valais has digitized many recordings about the Valais Patois. \\ \\ [[|88 recordings about Valais Patois]]| 
  • project/swisslibrariesonamap.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/09/03 15:51
  • by liowalter