
This is an old revision of the document!

Sportee : find users and places who like the same sports you do.

The way is simple, you are looking a partner… one of the best idea it's to do sport.. but how to find a spot for a specific activities and one appropried partner (age, sexe, level, sociability). Sportee just help you to be sucessfull.

  • Alexandre Rocha
  • Célien Devanthéry
  • Stéphane Levet
  • Thierry Pilet
  • Myriam Fehling

Case Success

It is often difficult for a individual person to find at the right time and the right place to find a partner to play his favorite sport. The challenge of a such application it's:

  • Data: have access a lot place (infrastructure) and quality information about this place
  • Membership: offer quicky a possibility for each member to invite his friend with contact list or social newtwork to share this application
  • Usablity: Offer a very simple and useful application with app (IOS, Android) or responsive design slution (all platform).
  • Building trust: Give to the sportee the way to trust the infrastructure and the sport partners.

Hackathon goals

  1. Create a database with infrastructure, activities, “sportee's”, sportdating ;
  2. Capture or find a sample for a data set for activities
  3. Create the api to store the data in a db;
  4. Create the logo and the design for the solution
  5. First solution (show a map with activities, select an activity, show the “sportlee” near by this activity and try to make an appointment
  6. Create a IOS Appwebsite and a responsive design solution;


First Screen shots (web developpement)

Second Screen shot (IOS Ap)

Include links to your demo and/or source code.

  • Data: OpenstreetMap
  • Website of Swisstennis
  • Data fron Tourobs

Sportee REST API Docs:

  • project/sportee.1400939189.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014/05/24 15:46
  • by