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A connected picture frame displaying historic images

  1. Download the pictures to the Raspi and display one of them (warmup)
  2. Slideshow and turning the images 90° to adapt to the screensize
  3. Play around with potentiometer and Arduino to bring an analog input onto the Raspi (which only has digital I/O)
  4. Connect everything and adapt the slideshow speed with the potentiometer
  5. Display the name (extracted from the filename) below the picture

next steps, more ideas:

  1. Use the Raspi Cam to detect a visitor in front of the frame and stop the slideshow
  2. Use the Raspi Cam to take a picture of the face of the visitor
  3. Detect faces in the camera picture
  4. Detect faces in the images [DONE, manually, using online service]
  5. …merge visitor and picture faces :-)


  • Picture frame, shows police photographs of the homeless by Carl Durheim (1810-1890)
  • Who were those people? Why were they homeless? What was their crime?
  • Picture frame has a camera doing face detection, but does not reveal that
  • Instead, a spectator looking at the frame triggers face detection on the portrait
  • Face detection algorithm (in the cloud) detects gender, age and mood
  • Spectator becomes the judge / part of the system / algorithm
  • Person on the picture is at the mercy of the spectator, once again
  • How would we treat them? How will they / we be treated tomorrow? (by algorithms)
  • @ram00n
  • @tamberg
  • and you
  • project/picturethis.1425129960.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/02/28 14:26
  • by tamberg