
This is an old revision of the document!

Parliamentarian Tag Clouds

This project is now live on!

All political affairs submitted by parliamentarians are being stored and published on the webservers at, e.g.

  • parliamentary initiatives, motions and postulates
  • questions and interpellations
  • reports of the committees
  • and so on….

We scrape this textual content off the web and create tag clouds for each politician.

<GITHUB dbrgn/>


  • Scala (Data from parliament website)
  • Python + Scrapy


  • JavaScript
  • Python + Django
  • RDBMS (SQLite, PostgreSQL)

Terms that the parliament was most occupied with in 2011

  • 3999 Doppelbesteuerung
  • 2437 Schutz
  • 2175 Kosten
  • 2141 Energien
  • 2103 Einführung
  • 1705 Migration
  • 1561 Präsidenten
  • 1316 Hilfe
  • 1307 Menschen
  • 1286 Finanzierung
  • 1276 Krankenversicherung
  • 1242 Italien
  • 1241 Verbot
  • 1232 Integration
  • 1220 Landwirtschaft
  • 1196 Strategie
  • 1192 Kindern
  • 1192 Stärkung
  • 1170 Entwicklung
  • 1165 Revision
  • 1151 Zukunft
  • 1137 Welche
  • 1135 Franken
  • 1131 Gefahr
  • 1088 Nordafrika
  • 1086 Ausserordentliche
  • 1065 Bundesverwaltung
  • 1057 Bevölkerung
  • 1047 Griechenland
  • 1014 Verhandlungen
  • project/parlament.1376034186.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/08/09 09:43
  • by loleg