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An Internet-connected foosball table like the one built during an IoT Workshop at Hyperlab Basel, detects goals and provides a timestamped timeline of an ongoing game.




So we thought it might be nice to get quotes of classic games that resemble the current foosball situation, whenever a goal is scored.


Foosball is usually played to 7 or 10 goals. In order to match the ongoing foosball game to a soccer game we have to slightly change the rules. Our foosball game is played for 9 minutes (a tenth of 90 minutes). We further assume that there's a local team that everybody loves, e.g. FCB in Basel. As it happens, there is a nice dataset of past FCB games denoting which team shot a goal in which minute.


TODO: integrate quotes into Scoreboard Webpage

  • project/matchquote.1400966113.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014/05/24 23:15
  • by tamberg