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project:lotd [2013/03/23 14:33] – [Linked Open Tourism Data] fabiancrettonproject:lotd [2013/08/15 23:02] (current) – tagged loleg
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-===== Linked Open Tourism Data =====+===== SLOTD : Swiss Linked Open Tourism Data =====
-{{ :project:slotd.png?300 |}}+{{ :project:slotd.png?500 |}}
 **Link the Swiss Open Tourism Data to the World Linked Open Data.** **Link the Swiss Open Tourism Data to the World Linked Open Data.**
-The idea is to convert available tourism statistical data (e.g. nights, occupancy, by canton) to linked open data format (RDF), and link those data to make them part of the [[http://lod-cloud.net/|LOD cloud]].+Open data (and data in general) are often isolated silos. Linked open data aims to connect these solitary informations to the other data sources in the web. If each data are linked, we can jump from link to link to retrieve and discover new knowledge. 
 +The idea here is to convert available tourism statistical data (e.g. nights, occupancy, by canton) to linked open data format (RDF), and link those data to make them part of the [[http://lod-cloud.net/|LOD cloud]].
 This project will thus fulfill the maximum data quality according to [[http://5stardata.info/|Open Data 5 stars]]. This project will thus fulfill the maximum data quality according to [[http://5stardata.info/|Open Data 5 stars]].
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-To visualize that data, we're currently using an svg+javascript approach. 
 +**Global Visualisation** : all is linked... **Jump link to link**
 +{{ :project:slotd_visualisation.png?800 |}}
 +**Linked Queries across linked open data** : all is linked... **Form SLOTD to DPBedia**
 +{{ :project:slotd_query.png?500 |}}
 +The current prototype is in PHP and relies on Google Maps.
 +But we also prepared a friendlier way to visualize that data, using an svg+javascript approach.
 +We did have time to integrate that vizualisation, but here is what it looks like:
 +{{ :project:slodt_svg_map_switzerland.png?800 |}}
 ===== Data ===== ===== Data =====
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 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
 +  * [[user:AnneLeCalve]]
   * [[user:fabiancretton]]   * [[user:fabiancretton]]
   * [[user:azappella]]   * [[user:azappella]]
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   * Blog or forum posts ...   * Blog or forum posts ...
-{{tag>status:concept needs:dev needs:design needs:data needs:expert lod}}+{{tag>status:concept needs:dev needs:design needs:data needs:expert semantic tourism}}
  • project/lotd.1364045631.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/03/23 14:33
  • by fabiancretton