
This is an old revision of the document!

Linked Open Data project at the University of Bern

Examples: and have their own documentation that's sufficient to dive into.

The other 4 datasets are explained at

They all have VoID (dataset descriptions). They all have data dumps that can be downloaded and there is also a SPARQL endpoint for each.

URIs can be dereferenced in HTML, Turtle, JSON, RDF/XML

There are some example queries on the first two datasets.

VoID is a vocabulary used to describe datasets (what they contain etc..)

European Central Bank Linked Data's VoID

Sarven Capadisli: will be travelling most of that day so if any questions, but could probably address them that night and available for Saturday. Talk to Oleg if you have questions about this.

  • project/lodbern.1363942114.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/03/22 09:48
  • by loleg