
This is an old revision of the document!

This is a LegalHack@OKCon 2013 challenge

Swiss Supreme Court

Create a better search engine by keywords and law articles for the website of the Swiss Supreme Court.

Currently, searching jurisprudence through Google is more efficient than through the Swiss Supreme Court website, which actually gives business to a company like Swisslex which charges prohibitive fees for making an efficient jurisprudential research.

Hackathon goals

Since jurisprudence is supposed to be known by everybody, an efficient search engine is a mandatory tool for democracy and goes along with the open data philosophy.

  1. Enable the use of search by filters
  2. Implement search by law articles
  3. Implement search by keywords


(screenshots or sketches up here)

Brief description goes here. Add sections below if you need more room.

Include links to your demo and/or source code.

  • List and link your actual and ideal data sources.
  • Florian Ducommun, Creative Commons Switzerland
  • List your team members here …
  • Relevant documentation …
  • Blog or forum posts …
  • Tools you used …
  • project/legal/swiss_supremecourt.1378938562.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/09/12 00:29
  • by loleg