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project:legal:swiss_supremecourt [2013/09/12 00:21] lolegproject:legal:swiss_supremecourt [2013/09/25 08:22] (current) loleg
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-This is a [[event:2013-09|LegalHack@OKCon 2013]] challenge 
 ====== Swiss Supreme Court ====== ====== Swiss Supreme Court ======
-Create a better search engine by keywords and law articles for the website of the [[|Swiss Supreme Court]].+{{:project:legal:yacy-search-1.png?200}}{{:project:legal:yacy-search-2.png?210}}
-Currently, searching jurisprudence through Google is more efficient than through the Swiss Supreme Court website, which actually gives business to a company like [[|Swisslex]] which charges prohibitive fees for making an efficient jurisprudential research. +In this project we are developing an open search engine by keywords and law articles for the website of the [[|Swiss Supreme Court]]. Currently, the Swiss Supreme Court website search is powered by [[|Swisslex]]which charges fees for efficient jurisprudential research. Searching their website with Google is a free alternative, however this type of search is too generic and broad.
-Since jurisprudence is supposed to be known by everybody, an efficient search engine is a mandatory tool for democracy and goes along with the open data philosophy.+Based on data of the [[|Swiss Federal Supreme Court]]Alexander has built an online case history crawler, the demo of which can be accessed here: 
-  Enable the use of search by filters +
-  Implement search by law articles +
-  - Implement search by keywords       +
-====== Project =====+(Note, we are currently struggling to keep the service up due to hardware issues. Please click on screenshots above if the page is down.)
-(screenshots or sketches up here)+=== Hackathon goals ===
-Brief description goes here. Add sections below if you need more room.+Since jurisprudence is supposed to be known by everybody, an efficient search engine is a mandatory tool for democracy and goes along with the open data philosophyThe goals of the [[event:2013-09|LegalHack@OKCon 2013]] challenge for this project were to:
-Include links to your demo and/or source code.+  - Enable the use of search by filters 
 +  - Implement search by law articles 
 +  - Implement search by keywords       
 ===== Data ===== ===== Data =====
-  * List and link your actual and ideal data sources.+  * The website of the Supreme Court is here:
 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
   * Florian Ducommun, Creative Commons Switzerland   * Florian Ducommun, Creative Commons Switzerland
-  * List your [[user:home|team members]] here ...+  * Alexandre Poltorak, Free IT Foundation
 ===== Links ===== ===== Links =====
-  * Relevant documentation ... +  * [[|YaCy Search Engine]]
-  * Blog or forum posts ... +
-  * Tools you used ...+
-{{tag>status:concept legal needs:dev needs:design needs:data needs:expert}}+{{tag>status:demo legal needs:design needs:hosting}}
  • project/legal/swiss_supremecourt.1378938107.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/09/12 00:21
  • by loleg