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project:klumpenrisiko [2016/04/08 21:42] – [Team] wnstnsmthproject:klumpenrisiko [2016/04/11 08:44] philippkueng
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 In the end, we'd like to show which cantons and municipalities own what parts of power companies - and how they would be affected by a bankruptcy of the latter.  In the end, we'd like to show which cantons and municipalities own what parts of power companies - and how they would be affected by a bankruptcy of the latter. 
 +GitHub Repo: https://github.com/grimseltor/klumpenrisiko
 +Prototype with data from the 10 biggest players and their shareholders: http://energyhackday.pkstudio.ch/
 ===== Methodology ===== ===== Methodology =====
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   * @mhertach   * @mhertach
   * @philshem   * @philshem
-  * @harii +  * @HaRii66666
-  * @gialo+
   * @gluckstaler   * @gluckstaler
   * @satuk34   * @satuk34
   * @mikeschudel   * @mikeschudel
   * @scruggia   * @scruggia
 +===== Results =====
 +The owners of one of the biggest suppliers in Switzerland, Alpiq, are shown in an interactive data-visualization based on d3js.
 +Who owns the Alpiq? http://www.energiestadtfinder.ch/wemgehoertdiealpiq/
 ===== Sideprojects ===== ===== Sideprojects =====
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 An awesome map by @davidoesch showing municipal and regional dependency on power suppliers.  An awesome map by @davidoesch showing municipal and regional dependency on power suppliers. 
-https://map.geo.admin.ch/?topic=are&lang=de&bgLayer=ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-grau&catalogNodes=954,959,965&X=185609.71&Y=659624.21&zoom=1&layers_visibility=false,false,true+We addressed here the following question: 
 +**"Which municipalities depend on only one power network operator - and which one operators are therefore to big to fail?"** 
 +  * __Methodology__ 
 +Data [[https://www.elcom.admin.ch/elcom/en/home/topics/electricity-tariffs/basic-data-for-tariffs-of-the-swiss-distribution-network-operato.html|Schweizerische Gemeinden und zuständige Stromnetzbetreiber]]  provided by Federal Electricity Commission ElComFederal Electricity Commission (ElCom). We added col Count_NB counting the number of served municipalities by operator assigend a color for the top 5  operator (color_NB ) and identified the number of operators serving a municipality (Count_Vggemeinde): ([[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12DiVn1BEb_mDlkHX93SClt2p13Z2DvsQ0RPJTl4k9Mg/edit?usp=sharing|RawData]] 
 +Following the tutorial [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kEfLko7IcPd17fHyFgds8EwpDogJ33wGo_2uEfFuPQg/edit#slide=id.p|tutorial]] to create a map with map.geo.admin.ch we exported all municipalities which have only one power network provider as an [[http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/kml| OGC KML]] and made it available [[https://gist.githubusercontent.com/davidoesch/f93fa74dbdae5b1ff3c6bfcf485a4a73/raw/37a174129e1de28b8efe27e2c9b92a32fdeedfa5/Stromnetzbetreiber_risiko.kml|KML result]]. This file has then embeded in the map viewer of the federal geoportal as URL source according to this [[http://help.geo.admin.ch/?id=63&lang=en|step]] map has been embed in this site  following this guide [[http://www.geo.admin.ch/iframe|www.geo.admin.ch/iframe]]  
 +  * __Results__ (//your speed for loading the map may vary on the speed of your network connection//
 +**A)5 Top power network operators for municipalities with only one power network operator**. Details in the tooltip incl the  "too big to fail" number 
 +Legend: <html> 
 +<span style="color:red;font-size:100%;">Romande Energie SA </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#ffff00;font-size:100%;">Groupe E SA </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#ff9900;font-size:100%;">BKW Energie AG </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#00ffff;font-size:100%;">Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke AG CKW </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#0000ff;font-size:100%;">Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich EKZ </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#00ff00;font-size:100%;">AEW Energie AG </span> 
 +**B)  5 Top power network operators cover NOT isolated cities,  **. Adding the  [[http://www.geocat.ch/geonetwork/srv/eng/metadata.show?uuid=44c22568-642c-40bf-a9de-5d865800bed2&currTab=simple|"Density of employment"]] dataset, we see that large cities/Central business districts have usually more than one power network operator 
 +Legend: <html> 
 +<span style="color:red;font-size:100%;">Romande Energie SA </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#ffff00;font-size:100%;">Groupe E SA </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#ff9900;font-size:100%;">BKW Energie AG </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#00ffff;font-size:100%;">Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke AG CKW </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#0000ff;font-size:100%;">Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich EKZ </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#00ff00;font-size:100%;">AEW Energie AG </span>, 
 +Density of employment - business census 
 +**C)  5 Top power network operators cover Agglomeration,  **. Adding the  [[http://www.geocat.ch/geonetwork/srv/eng/metadata.show?uuid=c1a563a5-3af3-4fd6-b2fd-1e4b010f0fc4&currTab=simple|"Agglomerations and isolated cities"]] dataset, we see that agglomeration usually depend on one power network operator: Zurich, Bern, Lausanne... 
 +Legend: <html> 
 +<span style="color:red;font-size:100%;">Romande Energie SA </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#ffff00;font-size:100%;">Groupe E SA </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#ff9900;font-size:100%;">BKW Energie AG </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#00ffff;font-size:100%;">Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke AG CKW </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#0000ff;font-size:100%;">Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich EKZ </span>, 
 +<span style="color:#00ff00;font-size:100%;">AEW Energie AG </span>, 
 +Agglomerations and isolated cities  
 +**See also**: https://www.google.com/fusiontables/data?docid=1NLjW96_WVG4zPzwgiIS6X92b-tzefvSzsqgZU5X9#map:id=3 
 +Legend: <html>
 +<span style="color:red;font-size:100%;">Romande Energie SA </span>,
 +<span style="color:#ffff00;font-size:100%;">Groupe E SA </span>,
 +<span style="color:#ff9900;font-size:100%;">BKW Energie AG </span>,
 +<span style="color:#00ffff;font-size:100%;">Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke AG CKW </span>,
 +<span style="color:#0000ff;font-size:100%;">Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich EKZ </span>,
 +<span style="color:#00ff00;font-size:100%;">AEW Energie AG </span>,
 ===== Links ===== ===== Links =====
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   * Tools you used ...   * Tools you used ...
-{{tag>status:concept needs:dev needs:design needs:data needs:expert}}+{{tag>status:concept needs:dev needs:design needs:data needs:expert energy}}
  • project/klumpenrisiko.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/05/01 11:37
  • by cype