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project:ftth_map [2013/03/22 10:02] humbapaproject:ftth_map [2020/01/14 08:30] (current) – Delete page is it is no longer in use humbapa
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-===== FTTH Business Model Navigator ===== 
-Website to visualize the current FTTH deployment status and to create simple business plans. 
-===== Objectives ===== 
-  * Tool to help importing available data from different sources (Excel/CSV, APIs, ...) 
-  * Tool to visualize a business plan for a chosen provider 
-  * Geocode addresses with FTTH connection 
-  * Visualize data on map with different detail levels (region, cities, addresses) 
-  * Allow to filter data by city, address and/or provider 
-  * Show somehow FTTH progress history (optional) 
-===== Data ===== 
-  * [[|FTTH commercialisation information from Swisscom]] 
-  * [[|Ratschlag betreffend Aufbau eines flächendeckenden Glasfasernetzes in Basel]] 
-  * [[|CSV mit der Anzahl Wohnungen nach Kanton @]] 
-  * [[|Excel mit der Anzahl Wohnungen nach Kanton in einer Übersicht @]] 
-  * [[|Excel mit leer stehende Wohnungen nach Kantonen @]] 
-===== Team ===== 
-  * [[user:humbapa]] 
-===== Links ===== 
-  * [[|Breitbandatlas]] 
-  * [[|Glasfaseratlas]] 
-  * [[|Swisscom BBCS Checker]] 
-{{tag>status:concept needs:dev needs:design needs:data needs:expert}} 
  • project/ftth_map.1363942959.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/03/22 10:02
  • by humbapa