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The aim of Foodprint is to raise awareness of the carbon footprint associated with groceries you buy every day and make suggestions on how to reduce the footprint. Based on a receipt or collection of purchases, we establish a carbon footprint. The food print can then be compared to previous weeks or other people's footprint. Moreover, we make suggestions on how to limit the footprint through smarter purchases such as local or seasonal products.

  • Aurelian Jaggi
  • David Graf
  • Fien Thoolen
  • Gianluigi Viscusi
  • Iselin Medhaug
  • Jochem Snuverink
  • Naomi MacKenzie
  • Theres Scherrer
  • Thomas Thurnherr
  • project/foodprint.1486806735.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/02/11 10:52
  • by