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In the wake of Fukushima the Japanese government did not publish enough radiation data. Makers around @kotobuki and @freaklabs began uploading DIY geiger counter measurements to Pachube, an open sensor data platform. The website created by the same people uses this data to display a map with sensor readings. More and more citizens began measuring such data or scraping official Web sites. The crowd sourced radiation data is probably not as accurate as official measurements, but a lot more information is available today than before Geigermaps and there is a sense of control no matter if the government decides to publish or hide its data.

A bit later, @haiyan called for a european version of Geigermaps. She implemented the Web site and others provided the data. Here are the lessons learned from contributing the data for Switzerland. Measurements were scraped form th eHTML of a government Web site and uploaded to Pachube.


- distributed, common platform enables collaboration

- open, everybody can contribute by tagging feeds appropriately


- take care to use the same units (we had false “alarms” because of this)

- unclear legal situation, government data is published, but no license to re-publish/use the data

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  • project/ch_euro_geigermaps.1317465463.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012/03/06 00:00
  • (external edit)