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project:beaconhack [2015/03/01 00:07] – [BeaconHack] tambergproject:beaconhack [2015/03/01 00:08] – [BeaconHack] tamberg
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 (Work in progress...) (Work in progress...)
-Playing around with iBeacons, Google Physical Web, BLE at [[http://make.opendata.ch/wiki/event:2015-02|OpenGLAM Hackdays]].+Playing around with iBeacons, Google Physical Web, BLE.
 The first challenge is to program a simple app which shares something about your location when it detects a beacon. For example, in the different rooms of the National Library where the hackathon takes place we can learn something about the biography of the authors whose name they carry. The first challenge is to program a simple app which shares something about your location when it detects a beacon. For example, in the different rooms of the National Library where the hackathon takes place we can learn something about the biography of the authors whose name they carry.
  • project/beaconhack.txt
  • Last modified: 2015/03/01 15:19
  • by tamberg