
This is an old revision of the document!

Two comedians perform data as in a poetic wandering along selected cultural datasets. They uncover trivia, funny and bizarre facts, and give life to data in a most peculiar way. In French, German, English and some Italian.

Code of presentation tool is

Video will (hopefully) be made available.

  • Catherine Pugin
  • Laura Chaignat
  • Alain Guerry
  • Dominique Genoud
  • Jérôme Treboux
  • Florian Evéquoz
  • Tools: Knime, Python, D3, sweat, coffee and salmon pasta
  • project/alain_und_laura_sind_neue_medien.1425486963.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/03/04 17:36
  • by evequozf