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====== LAUSANNE EVENT DETAILS ====== The information below covers getting to the [[|MAKE... we can update your profile and send you the right information - thanks! The **Swiss Open Data Camp** is a coll... is **CM 1 368** is on the ground floor behind the Information Centre and Travel Office - [[ getting from anywhere in Switzerland are [[|available from the EPF
4 Hits, Last modified:
Data 5 stars. To create an added value, different information from various data sources must be linked together... ed Open Data sets (as DBPedia, geoNames), and the information from the different sources can thus be queried at... erent places in Wallis. The idea is to infer this information by using flickr: by using either the geotagging o... d all free apartments are shown with the relevant information. **[[project:calcul_du_pouvoir_d_achat_selon_le_
4 Hits, Last modified:
rough the implications of all this machine-usable information to your self-confidence, critical faculties and o... and Le Temps, the EPFL DHLAB has recently applied information extraction and text mining techniques on 5 millio... the project, we will more specifically detail the information extraction processes that were implemented (esp. ... for Wikimedia Commons.<br/>Second part: Detailed information about the Toolset and all the preparation work fo
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n was virtually hosted by the Swiss Institute for Information Science at the FHGR Chur, in collaboration with t... r managing, organising and semantifying reference information**, specifically focusing on the current semantic ... r/applied-future-technologies/swiss-institute-for-information-science-sii/|Swiss Institute for Information Science]] and the [[
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n emergency, inspired by the immediacy with which information can be shared on social networks like Twitter. ([... isualization]] groups together efforts to display information about the distribution of Swiss hospitals relativ... altimeline|Medical Timeline]] integrates nutrient information from open databases about food. Our original goal
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s and roles amongst ourselves. We have prepared [[information:rules?s[]=guidelines|Useful Guidelines]] and a [[information:quickstart|Quickstart Guide]] to get you going. O... ten!** You can use [[project:home|this wiki]], [[information:github|GitHub]], [[|Etherpad]
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ator]] ([[|Information Sharing for Humanitarian Crisis Response]] challenge) ====
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rough the implications of all this machine-usable information to your self-confidence, critical faculties and o... yByte, 21.09.2017) * [[|Des données du patrimoine suisse hac
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ssisting with their knowledge and guidance. The [[information:rules|community guidelines]] were something we bo
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cal products in “Cabanes”. How to gather relevant information in one App. * ** [[project:beatit|Beat It]] **
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roject:thematizer|Thematizer]] enriching cultural information online * [[project:monument_lists|WikiProject "
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event was aimed specifically at students and gave information about the type of data provided at the GLAMhack a
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30 |** Option A **: Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra, "DARIAH Information systems for Arts and Humanities scholars", in Eng