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Getting started with GitHub

GitHub is one of the most popular Internet sites for hosting projects, usually software projects, but not only - really anything you can save in a file on your computer you can share and collaborate on with other people on GitHub. The name comes from GIT, a widely used system for keeping track of changes to text files. It was specially designed for complex software projects, and works well at any scale. If you're a programmer, chances are you've used it by now. If you're not, imagine a Dropbox with some additional features to make working on projects online more fun and effective.

We decided to standardize on GitHub to make hackathons run more efficiently. Anyone can create an account, configure their computer, and within minutes make contributions to projects in a way that is really transparent and easy to follow whether you're sitting next to your team members, or half way around the world. For example, check out the list of latest commits to the Transport API project. You can see who has been working on it, what they have been doing, and even the line-by-line changes to every file.

Once you have a GitHub project, let us know and we will fork it to the OpendataCH group to give it extra visibility. You can also use this syntax to add a beautiful widget to your wiki page:

<GITHUB myusername/my-repository>

If you're completely new to GIT, have no fear. There's an excellent guide for beginners which will introduce you to the main features quickly.

git - the simple guide

git - Der einfache Einstieg

git - le petit guide

And feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, we'll be very happy to help :)

  • information/github.1362919340.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/03/10 13:42
  • by loleg