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Tuesday 11 September 2018, ETH Zurich, 14-16h

Do you enjoy working with digitized old photographs, maps, objects or manuscripts? Do you see digital data as a playground and an opportunity to test new technology on historical material? In this case openGLAM is the right place for you.

GLAM stands for galleries, libraries, archives, museums, and openGLAM wants to make cultural treasures freely accessible and present them on the Internet. As every year, we organize a hackathon: October 26-28 at the Landesmuseum Zürich.

Interested? During the pre-event, we will show you at the ETH Zürich what happens at the hackathon, who makes data sets available and how you can get involved. From 2’o clock PM, building CLA, room J1 (Tannenstrasse 3, 8092 Zurich). The presentations will be held in German.


14:00 Begrüssung und Einführung in OpenGLAM: Was ist und weshalb gibt es den Open Cultural Data hackathon (Michael Gasser)
14:30 Bericht über den Ablauf des Hackathons (Fabian Würtz)
14:45 Institutionen und ihre Datensets (Moderation: Tobias Hodel)
Archive der ETH: datasets auf (Michael Gasser)
ZB Zürich: datasets (Lothar Schmitt)
Landesmuseum Zürich (Thomas Bochet)
Staatsarchiv Zürich: Ehedatenbank (Tobias Hodel)
Wikimedia: Daten öffnen (Cristina Sarasua)
15:30 Resultate aus vergangenen hackathons
Gutenberg Memory (Thomas Weibel)
16:00 Q&A
ca. 16:15 Abschluss der Veranstaltung
  • glam/2018-09-11.1534251567.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/08/14 14:59
  • by hashimotoval