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8th Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon - @SUPSI in Mendrisio (Ticino)

This year's focus is sound/audio; schools of art & design; natural history collections - all who consider themselves hackers, cultural hackers, designers, artists, biologists, musicians, archivists, museum professionals, Wikimedias, archivists and many more are welcome.

Sign up for the GLAMHack2022 by following this Eventbrite link.

The 2022 Edition of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon will take place November 4th-5th in collaboration with the SUPSI in Mendrisio, Ticino.

in view of the next Open Cultural Data Hackathon

You may own cultural data that you are ready to share. Please look at the infosheets and if you have any questions, feel free to contact beat.estermann@openglam.ch.

GLAMhack 2022 Pre-Event – Workshop Day on Open/FAIR Natural History Data

Tuesday, 20 September 2022, 09:15AM - 5:00PM CEST
at the Natural History Museum of Bern

The Workshop Day on Open/FAIR Natural History Data is intended for curators, managers, and users of natural history collections in Switzerland. It serves as a forum to draw up an overview of the current situation regarding data management and digitization in Swiss institutions and sets the collections and their data in the wider context of the emerging ecosystem of open/FAIR natural history data with its various infrastructures, stakeholders, initiatives, usage scenarios, value-added services, and governance structures.

The workshop day is a pre-event of the GLAMhack 2022, organized by the OpenGLAM working group of the Opendata.ch association, hosted by the Natural History Museum of Bern and supported by Plazi.org and the eBioDiv Project, in cooperation with SwissCollNet and Infofauna.

Sign up for the Workshop Day on Open/FAIR Natural History Data by following this Eventbrite Link.

Programme, 20 September 2022
09:15 - 09:45 Check-in / Welcome Coffee Foyer
09:45 - 10:15 Welcome Address and Introduction
Welcome address by Christoph Beer, director of the Natural History Museum of Bern
Short Presentation of OpenGLAM (Open Data) and the GLAMhack, data ecosystem perspective
Introduction to the programme of the day / practical information
10:15 - 11:30 Presentation of activities of various parties in the area of data management:
- Towards a virtual natural history collection (Michael Greeff, SwissCollNet)
- Collection databases (Stefan Hertwig, Natural History Museum of Bern)
- The data aggregation process in Switzerland (Lukas Wotruba, Datenzentrum Natur und Landschaft)
- Usage scenarios for natural history collection data (Tim Hirsch, GBIF International)
- Connecting biodiversity data infrastructures (Donat Agosti, Plazi.org)
- Providing access to information about collection items in a central database – the case of geological data (Rachel Walcott, National Museums Scotland
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee Break Foyer
12:00 - 12:50 Panel Discussion: Main challenges regarding the collaborative management and use of natural history data Auditorium
12:50 - 13:50 Lunch Break TBD
13:50 - 14:00 Introduction to the Workshops Auditorium
14:00 - 14:50 Workshops Round 1:
1. Towards a virtual natural history collection (Michael Greeff, SwissCollNet)
2. Improving the data aggregation process (Glenn Litsios / Lukas Wotruba)
3. Enriching collection databases with research data about collection items (Donat Agosti)
Auditorium and break-out rooms
15:00 - 15:50 Workshops Round 2:
1. Putting data from natural history collections to use (tbd / Tim Hirsch, GBIF International)
2. How to deal with sensitive data in the context of Open/FAIR Biodiversity Data? (Christian Kropf / Glenn Litsios)
3. Mapping the biodiversity data ecosystem and locating the Swiss stakeholders (tbd / Beat Estermann)
Auditorium and break-out rooms
16:00 - 16:30 Workshop Wrap-up in the Plenary (5’ summary from each workshop) Auditorium
16:30 - 16:50 Getting ready for the GLAMhack on 4-5 November in Mendrisio
Explanation of the functioning of the GLAMhack
Submission of challenges
16:50 - 17:00 Farewell
Announcement of next steps

Open Science for Arts, Design and Music Workshop Thursday, 3rd November 2022, 11:00AM - 7:00PM CEST
at different locations at SUPSI

12:00 - 13:00 Light lunch TBD
14:00 - 15:00 Operative meeting of the project Open Science for Arts, Design and Music Room A0.07, ground floor
15:00 - 15:30 Pre-hackathon brainstorming session TBD
16:00 - 17:30 Option A : Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra, “DARIAH Information systems for Arts and Humanities scholars”, in English A - Room A0.07, ground floor
16:00 - 17:30 Option B : Suzanna Marazza, CC Digital Law, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) “Le sfide legali dell'Open Access: copyright, licenze open (CC e FOSS) e privacy”, in Italian Room A0.09, ground floor
18:00 - 19:00 Online presentations moderated by Iolanda Pensa, SUPSI, in English Please connect to the following link: https://supsi.zoom.us/j/8859972910

Highlight Video on Youtube

<html><iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“https://www.youtube.com/embed/PyeBkEaSzuI” title=“YouTube video player” frameborder=“0” allow=“accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe></html>

Main hackathon from Friday morning to Saturday evening (the detailed programme is subject to change; times are CEST / UTC +2). If you have any questions please contact giovanni.profeta@supsi.ch .

Friday, 4th November 2022
08:30 - 09:00 Check-in
09:00 - 09:20 Opening Session, official start of the Hackathon
09:20 - 09:40 Ice Breakers
09:45 - 11:00 Presentation of Challenges / Idea Pitching
11:00 - 12:00 Group Creation
First Group Meeting / Noon Break
13:00 - 13:20 Fitness session
Work in groups
17:00 - 18:00 Overview of GLAMhack Projects
18:10 - 18:30 Fitness session
18:30 - 19:30

SUPSI AdVibes, Giulio Zaccarelli

Room A0.09 Il rumore lontano, SUPSI Paesaggi sonori, Loredana Rocca (dark room + projection) SUPSI CV: Coding-decoding crypto-sound SUPSI CV: Oscillator

Work in groups (“night shift”)
Saturday, 5th November 2022
08:30 - 08:50 Fitness session
09:15 - 09:30 Check-in
09:30 - 09:45 Welcome to Day 2
Work in groups
12:00 - 12:20 Fitness session
12:20 - 13:00 Noon Break
Work in groups
16:30 - 17:30 Final Project Presentations
17:30 - 17:45 Closing Session

This event was organized by the OpenGLAM CH Working Group of the opendata.ch association, with contributions from:

Organization Committee
Darienne Hunziker (project coordinator 2022)
Beat Estermann (co-lead programme committee)
Oleg Lavrovsky
Jonas Lendenmann (dataset team)
Giovanni Profeta (coordinator host institution
Iolanda Pensa (co-lead programme committee)
Lionel Walter (co-lead dataset team)
Enrico Natale infoclio.ch
Dominik Sievi (co-lead dataset team)

Join us on Facebook or Twitter

If you're part of a media institution and would like to either cover or share data with the GLAMHack2021 please contact Darienne

If you want to support the GLAMHack2022, please write to Darienne

  • event/2022-11.1661353002.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/08/24 16:56
  • by darienne