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event:2016-04 [2016/04/05 13:28] – [Schedule] murielevent:2016-04 [2016/04/14 09:03] (current) loleg
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-{{:event:makeenergyscreenshot.jpg}} {{ http://energy.opendata.ch/files/2014/01/oed.png|}} 
 ======Open Energy Data Hackdays====== ======Open Energy Data Hackdays======
-Coming up on **April 8 & 9, 2016**, the next Make.Opendata.ch hackdays will take place in two fantastic mountain destinations in Switzerland: **Innertkirchen** and **Mont-Crosin**. To make open energy data, we are going up to the sources of sustainable energy. 
-At the **Open Energy Data Hackdays** we will mingle developers and designers, data scientists and app producers, experts and amateurs, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, concerned citizens and data journalists - we will collaborate as individuals to address urgent energy problems and create critical insights with open data.  
-The Hackdays are a joint initiative of [[http://opendata.ch|Opendata.ch]] and [[https://www.hslu.ch/de-ch/hochschule-luzern/ueber-uns/portraet/interdisziplinaritaet/datenwelten/|IDS Datenwelten]]. [[http://www.energieschweiz.ch/|Energie Schweiz]], [[http://www.grimselstrom.ch/|Kraftwerke Oberhasli]] and [[https://opendata.swiss/|opendata.swiss]] are supporting the Hackdays as partners. 
-=======Venue & Registration======= 
-**Innterkirchen**: [[http://www.grimseltor.ch/|Grimseltor]], Grimselstrasse 2, 3862 Innertkirchen  
-**Mont-Crosin**: [[http://www.vert-bois.ch/accueil|Auberge Vert-Bois]], 2610 Mont-Crosin 
-**Tickets** are available on [[https://www.eventbrite.de/e/swiss-open-energy-data-hackday-2016-tickets-20777735767|Eventbrite]] - places are very limited, so please book your rooms as soon as possible to make sure you can join in! 
-<HTML><a href="http://www.eventbrite.de/e/swiss-open-energy-data-hackday-2016-tickets-20777735767?ref=ebtnebregn" target="_blank"><img src="https://www.eventbrite.de/custombutton?eid=20777735767" alt="Eventbrite - Swiss Open Energy Data Hackday 2016" /></a></HTML> 
-=======How to get involved======= 
-**Ask yourself some fundamental questions:**+On **April 8 & 9, 2016** the Open Energy Data Hackdays took place in [[http://www.grimseltor.ch/|Grimseltor]]/Innertkirchen and [[http://www.vert-bois.ch/accueil|Vert-Bois]]/Mont-Crosin, two fantastic destinations in Switzerland at the sources of sustainable energy. Organized by [[http://opendata.ch|Opendata.ch]] and [[https://www.hslu.ch/de-ch/hochschule-luzern/ueber-uns/portraet/interdisziplinaritaet/datenwelten/|IDS Datenwelten]], with support from [[http://www.energieschweiz.ch/|Energie Schweiz]], [[http://www.grimselstrom.ch/|Kraftwerke Oberhasli]] and [[https://opendata.swiss/|opendata.swiss]].
-How can we use data to ...+The hackdays brought together over 60 developers and designers, data scientists and app producers, experts and amateurs, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, concerned citizens and data journalistsWe crossed professional boundaries and collaborated as individuals and concerned citizens addressing urgent energy problems and creating critical insights with open data
-* make electric mobility simpler, better, and more frictionless?+====== Results ======
-better heat, cool and manage our homes and workplaces?+  [[project:atum|Atum]] - web application for energy production forecasts for photovoltaics  
 +  * [[project:ec|Swiss Energy Dashboard]] - dashboard to explore national energy monitoring projects visually 
 +  * [[project:energiestrategie_2050|Energiestrategie 2050 verstehen]] - Entdecke eine Schweiz mit 100% erneuerbaren Energien 
 +  * [[project:hotornot|Hot or not for solar]] - Energy customer profiling made easy 
 +  * [[project:klumpenrisiko|Klumpenrisiko]] - a visualization of power company ownership 
 +  * [[project:lofos|Lófos]] - for more freedom of personal e-mobility through open data 
 +  * [[project:periodic_aggregation_of_power_system_data|open-power-system-timeseries]] - aggregation of electricity  
 +  * [[project:swiss_energy_balance|Swiss Energy Balance]] - visualisation of energy consumption and production per canton
-* communicate and understand our energy systemfrom the production to the distribution and to our very own consumption?+Ordered alphabetically by page name. Projects are not judged/ranked at MAKE.opendata.ch events. For more on this topicsee [[http://make.opendata.ch/wiki/tag:energy?do=showtag&tag=energy|energy tag]].
-* use energy in continually innovative and smarter ways?+======= How to get involved =======
-**Come and experience the Hackdays!**+{{ http://energy.opendata.ch/files/2014/01/oed.png|}}
-Join us in April for two days of funambitious projects and innovative talks. It is great if you are a programmer or working in media or involved in politics, and you are ready to help with your skills, and we are also looking for non-technical people across all domains who are interested in the broader topic of energy and energy data.+**Ask yourselfcan we use data to ...**
-**Share your suggestions for [[data:energy|data]]**+  make electric mobility simpler, better, and more frictionless? 
 +  better heat, cool and manage our homes and workplaces? 
 +  * communicate and understand our energy system, from the production to the distribution and to our very own consumption? 
 +  use energy in continually innovative and smarter ways?
-Are you aware of interesting data and topics for the Energy Hackdays? In preparation for the hackdays we are putting together [[data:energy|a list of open energy datasets]]. We encourage you to contribute to it or send us your suggestions.+**Join the Working Group**
-=======Schedule Mont Crosin=======+For discussions and events on these topics, we welcome you to join the [[http://energy.opendata.ch/|Open Energy Data Working Group]] of Opendata.ch. Subscribe to the mailing list here to stay informed: http://energy.opendata.ch/join-us/
-(Nota Bene: work in progress, please check back for updates)+**Come to experience the Hackdays!**
-**FridayApril 8** +If you said yes to any of the abovejoin us for two days of funambitious projects and innovative talks. It is great if you are a programmer or working in media or involved in politicsand you are ready to help with your skills, and we are also looking for non-technical people across all domains who are interested in the broader topic of energy and energy data.
-  * 10:00 RegistrationCoffee and Croissants +
-  * 10:30 Welcoming speech +
-  * 10:40 Input speech  +
-  * 10:50 Teaming upexchanging ideas +
-  * 11:00 Start to work +
-  * 12:30 Videocall between locations +
-  * 13:00 Lunch break +
-  * 14:00 Hacking (coffee and snacks are being provided) +
-  * 18:00 Presenting the projects (work in progress) +
-  * 19:00 Pizza :-) <) <) <) +
-  * 20:00 Continue to work (if you wish to)+
-**Saturday, April 9**+**Let's collect [[data:energy|open energy data]]**
-  * 9:00 Breakfast +Are you aware of interesting data and topics for the Energy Hackdays? In preparation for the hackdays we are putting together [[data:energy|a list of open energy datasets]]. We encourage you to contribute to it or send us your suggestions from URLs we missed to 'dream' data.
-  * 10:00 Welcoming and integrating newcomers (Saturday-only participants) +
-  * 10:10 Working +
-  * 12:30 Videocall between locations +
-  * 13:00 Lunch break +
-  * 14:00 Get back to work +
-  * 16:00 Project-Documentation on Wiki +
-  * 16:30 Final presentation of projects +
-  * 17:30 End of Election Hackdays and Apéro+
-=======Schedule Innertkirchen=======+**Start your projects!**
-(Nota Bene: work in progressplease check back for updates)+If you've new to hackathons - no problem! Never programmed in your life? This is a great way to start! At the eventwe will form teams and choose topics and roles amongst ourselves. We have prepared [[information:rules?s[]=guidelines|Useful Guidelines]] and a [[information:quickstart|Quickstart Guide]] to get you going. Our community champions will be on site to make sure things go smoothly and productively.
-**FridayApril 8** +**Release earlyrelease often!**
-  * 10:00 Registration, Coffee and Croissants +
-  * 10:30 Moderation by Marcel Altherr +
-  * 10:30 Welcoming speech by Daniel Studer, municipal council of Meiringen +
-  * 10:40 Pitch projects and data +
-  * 10:50 Teaming up, exchanging ideas +
-  * 11:00 Start to work +
-  * 13:00 Lunch break at Restaurant Urweider +
-  * 14:00 Hacking (coffee and snacks are being provided) +
-  * 18:00 Presenting the projects (work in progress) +
-  * 19:00 Dinner at Restaurant Urweider  +
-  * 20:00 Continue to work (if you wish to) at the Grimseltor+
-**SaturdayApril 9**+You can use [[project:home|this wiki]][[information:github|GitHub]], [[http://pad.okfn.org/|Etherpad]], or any tool you want to work on your concept and document your results as a team. Posting your early ideas can be a great way of getting quick feedback and validation! Make sure that you let an organiser know where to find your project by Saturday afternoon at the latest. All hackday projects documentation will be linked here after.
-  * 8:30 Breakfast at Restaurant Urweider +At the end of the hackdayswe look forward to seeing your insightful and provocative projects that demonstrate potential and create energizing ;-) use cases for open data!
-  * 09:30 Welcoming and integrating newcomers at Grimseltor (Saturday-only participants) +
-  * 09:40 Working session +
-  * 12:30 Videocall between locations +
-  * 13:00 Lunch break at Restaurant Urweider +
-  * 14:00 Get back to work OR +
-  * 14:00 Visiting the primary control unit at Kraftwerke Oberhasli +
-  * 16:00 Project-Documentation on Wiki +
-  * 16:30 Final presentation of projects +
-  * 17:20 Closing speech by Karin ScheideggerHead Departement of Energy bern +
-  * 17:30 Apéro +
 ===== Organizers===== ===== Organizers=====
  • event/2016-04.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/04/14 09:03
  • by loleg