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event:2016-04 [2016/02/03 14:08] – created hannesevent:2016-04 [2016/04/08 00:44] – [How to get involved] loleg
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-Open Energy Data Hackdays+{{:event:makeenergyscreenshot.jpg}} {{ http://energy.opendata.ch/files/2014/01/oed.png|}} 
 +======Open Energy Data Hackdays====== 
 +Coming up on **April 8 & 9, 2016**, the next Make.Opendata.ch hackdays will take place in two fantastic mountain destinations in Switzerland: **Innertkirchen** and **Mont-Crosin**. To make open energy data, we are going up to the sources of sustainable energy. 
 +At the **Open Energy Data Hackdays** we will mingle developers and designers, data scientists and app producers, experts and amateurs, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, concerned citizens and data journalists - we will collaborate as individuals to address urgent energy problems and create critical insights with open data.  
 +The Hackdays are a joint initiative of [[http://opendata.ch|Opendata.ch]] and [[https://www.hslu.ch/de-ch/hochschule-luzern/ueber-uns/portraet/interdisziplinaritaet/datenwelten/|IDS Datenwelten]]. [[http://www.energieschweiz.ch/|Energie Schweiz]], [[http://www.grimselstrom.ch/|Kraftwerke Oberhasli]] and [[https://opendata.swiss/|opendata.swiss]] are supporting the Hackdays as partners. 
 +=======Venue & Registration======= 
 +**Innterkirchen**: [[http://www.grimseltor.ch/|Grimseltor]], Grimselstrasse 2, 3862 Innertkirchen | [[event:2016-04#schedule_grimseltor_innertkirchen|LOCATION SCHEDULE]] 
 +**Mont-Crosin**: [[http://www.vert-bois.ch/accueil|Auberge Vert-Bois]], 2610 Mont-Crosin | [[event:2016-04#schedule_mont_crosin|LOCATION SCHEDULE]] 
 +**Tickets** are available on [[https://www.eventbrite.de/e/swiss-open-energy-data-hackday-2016-tickets-20777735767|Eventbrite]] - please book as soon as possible if you'd like to stay overnight. 
 +=======How to get involved======= 
 +**Ask yourself, can we use data to ...** 
 +  * make electric mobility simpler, better, and more frictionless? 
 +  * better heat, cool and manage our homes and workplaces? 
 +  * communicate and understand our energy system, from the production to the distribution and to our very own consumption? 
 +  * use energy in continually innovative and smarter ways? 
 +**Come to experience the Hackdays!** 
 +If you said yes to any of the above, join us in April for two days of fun, ambitious projects and innovative talks. It is great if you are a programmer or working in media or involved in politics, and you are ready to help with your skills, and we are also looking for non-technical people across all domains who are interested in the broader topic of energy and energy data. 
 +**Let's collect [[data:energy|open energy data]]** 
 +Are you aware of interesting data and topics for the Energy Hackdays? In preparation for the hackdays we are putting together [[data:energy|a list of open energy datasets]]. We encourage you to contribute to it or send us your suggestions - from URLs we missed to 'dream' data. 
 +**Start your projects!** 
 +If you've new to hackathons - no problem! Never programmed in your life? This is a great way to start! At the event, we will form teams and choose topics and roles amongst ourselves. We have prepared [[information:rules?s[]=guidelines|Useful Guidelines]] and a [[information:quickstart|Quickstart Guide]] to get you going. Our community champions will be on site to make sure things go smoothly and productively. Energy is a broad topic, so we have come up with [[http://hack.energy.opendata.ch/event/1|four project categories]] that may help you to focus your brainstorming. 
 +**Release early, release often!** 
 +You can use [[project:home|this wiki]], [[information:github|GitHub]], [[http://pad.okfn.org/|Etherpad]], [[http://hack.energy.opendata.ch|hack.energy.opendata.ch]] (which aggregates projects from this wiki or GitHub), or any tool you want to work on your concept and document your results as a team. Posting your early ideas can be a great way of getting quick feedback and validation! Make sure that you let an organiser know where to find your project by Saturday afternoon at the latest. 
 +At the end of the hackdays, we look forward to seeing your insightful and provocative projects that demonstrate potential and create energizing ;-) use cases for open data! 
 +=======Schedule Grimseltor (Innertkirchen) ======= 
 +**Friday, April 8** 
 +  * 09:52 Arrival by regional train at the Grimseltor Innertkirchen Train station (just across the Grimseltor location) 
 +  * 10:00 Registration (lanyard & badge), Coffee and Croissants - Grimseltor 
 +  * 10:30 Moderation by Marcel Altherr - Grimseltor 
 +  * 10:30 Welcoming speech by Daniel Studer, municipal council of Meiringen - Grimseltor 
 +  * 10:40 Pitch projects and data - everyone - Grimseltor 
 +  * 11:00 Teaming up, exchanging ideas - everyone - at Grimseltor 
 +  * 11:15 Start to work - everyone - Grimseltor 
 +  * 12:30 Video call between locations 
 +  * 13:00 Lunch break at Restaurant Urweider 
 +  * 14:00 Hacking (coffee and snacks are being provided) - everyone - Grimseltor 
 +  * 18:00 Presenting the projects (work in progress) - everyone, chaired by Marcel Altherr - Grimseltor 
 +  * 19:00 Dinner at Restaurant Urweider  
 +  * 20:00 Continue to work (if you wish to) at Grimseltor 
 +**Saturday, April 9** 
 +  * 8:30 Breakfast at Restaurant Urweider - everyone 
 +  * 09:30 Start working - Grimseltor  
 +  * 10:00 Welcoming and integrating newcomers - Grimseltor 
 +  * 10:15 Continue working - Grimseltor  
 +  * 12:30 Videocall between locations - Grimseltor 
 +  * 13:00 Lunch break - Restaurant Urweider 
 +  * 14:00 Get back to work - Grimseltor **__OR__** 
 +  * 14:00 Visit the primary control unit - Theo Winkler - Kraftwerke Oberhasli  
 +  * 16:00 Project-Documentation on Wiki - everyone - Grimseltor 
 +  * 16:30 Final presentation of projects & activities - everyone - Grimseltor 
 +  * 17:20 Closing speech by Karin Scheidegger, Head Departement of Energy Bern - Grimseltor 
 +  * 17:30 Apéro sponsored by KWO - Grimseltor 
 +  * 18:03 Regional Train back to Meiringen (station Grimseltor Innertkirchen) 
 +=======Schedule Mont Crosin======= 
 +**Friday, April 8** 
 +  * 09:37 Arrival in Sonceboz-Sembeval 
 +  * 09:45 Bus pickup from Sonceboz-Sembeval to Mont Crosin (Auberge Vert-Bois) 
 +  * 10:15 Registration, Coffee and Croissants 
 +  * 10:30 Welcoming keynote by Olaf Zanger 
 +  * 10:50 Input speech  
 +  * 11:00 Teaming up, exchanging ideas 
 +  * 11:15 Start to work 
 +  * 12:30 Videocall between locations 
 +  * 13:00 Lunch break 
 +  * 14:00 Hacking (coffee and snacks are being provided) 
 +  * 18:00 Presenting the projects (work in progress) 
 +  * 19:00 Dinner 
 +  * 20:00 Continue to work (if you wish to) 
 +**Saturday, April 9** 
 +  * 8:30 Breakfast 
 +  * 09:30 Welcoming and integrating newcomers (Saturday-only participants) 
 +  * 09:45 Working 
 +  * 12:30 Videocall between locations 
 +  * 13:00 Lunch break 
 +  * 14:00 Visit the solar station at Mont Crosin 
 +  * 15:00 Get back to work 
 +  * 16:00 Project-Documentation on Wiki 
 +  * 16:30 Final presentation of projects 
 +  * 17:30 End of Election Hackdays and Apéro 
 +===== Organizers===== 
 +You can contact the organization team for both Innertkirchen and Mont-Crosin at [[info@opendata.ch]] 
 +This Open Energy Data Hackday is a co-initiative of the [[https://www.hslu.ch/de-ch/hochschule-luzern/ueber-uns/portraet/interdisziplinaritaet/datenwelten/|IDS Datenwelten at the University of Applied Sciences Lucerne]] and the Energy Working Group of Opendata.ch. [[http://www.energieschweiz.ch/|Energie Schweiz]], [[http://www.grimselstrom.ch/|Kraftwerke Oberhasli]] and [[https://opendata.swiss/en/|opendata.swiss]] are supporting the Hackdays as partners.
  • event/2016-04.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/04/14 09:03
  • by loleg