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<html><!– Start Navigation –> <table border=“0”> <tr> <td> <b><big><a href=“/wiki/event:2015-06”>Opendata.ch Research Hackdays</a></big></b> <br/> <a href=“/wiki/event:2015-06#venue”>Venue & Registration</a>

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Research Hackdays

On June 5-6, 2015, Opendata.ch invites all innovative researchers and specialists, designers, developers, journalists and other people embracing experimentation to participate in the make.opendata.ch Research Hackdays in Zurich and Lausanne. Open research data from diverse scientific domains will be the central point of this 2-day creative event, as well as the big question: how can we get the most out of the huge potential of Open Data in the field of research?

At the hackdays the institutions participating in the openresearchdata.ch project (FORS, Digital Humanities Lab of the University of Basel, ETH SIS / Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics) together with other research data producers, aggregators and publishers will make particularly interesting data from their respective scientific domains available for further playful, creative or scientific use.

The hackdays are not only about data, but also about the barriers which need to be opened to effectively re-use research data, i.e. ownership, licenses, citation … and many more. Participants will form teams around a topic/challenge, which they would like to discuss/solve – may it be with making an application re-using data or drafting a manifesto how to approach current conditions.

Join us for the next steps in the direction of open research data!

The hackdays are taking place June 5 & 6 simultanously in Lausanne and Zurich. Our hosts are:

Admission is free. To be able to plan enough room, food and drinks, we're thankful for your registration via Eventbrite.

In order to be successful, the event needs you to share your data, your programming skills, and your ideas!

Come and experience the Hackdays!

First of all, join us on the 5 and 6 June for two days of fun, innovation and digital brainstorming. It is great if you are a programmer and you are ready to help with your skills, but we are also looking for non-hacking people such as citizen scientists and researchers from various research domains.

You can already bring in ideas about ways to use research data

Have a look at the Research Data Switzerland and Research Data Worldwide, which we've listed so far:

Share your discoveries of research data

Maybe you are aware of interesting research data. In preparation for the hackdays we are putting together a list of such datasets links to interesting data. We encourage you to contribute to it by adding new items.

You may own yourself research data that you are ready to share. Please feel free to contact ordhackdays@opendata.ch, and we will help you accordingly.

The event is organized by Opendata.ch, with contributions from:

FORS, Lausanne
Stefan Büerli, Research Inventory administrator
Peter Farago, Director
Digital Humanities Lab of the University of Basel
Ivan Subotic, Post Doc
Lukas Rosenthaler, Head
Henry Lütcke, Research Informatics
Chandrasekhar Ramakrishnan, Group Head Scientific Software and Data Management
Bernd Rinn, Division Head

If you have questions to the organization committee, please contact us here: ordhackdays@opendata.ch.

  • event/2015-06.1427817413.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/03/31 17:56
  • by aamsler