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<html><!– Start Navigation –> <table border=“0”> <tr> <td> <img src=“http://glam.opendata.ch/files/2014/05/glam2-200.png” width=“85” /> </td> <td width=“12px”> </td> <td> <b><big><a href=“/wiki/event:2015-02”>Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2015</a></big></b> <br/> <a href=“/wiki/event:2015-02#program”>Program</a>

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1st Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon

The First Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon took place on 27 / 28 February 2015 at the Swiss National Library in Bern (see full program). Some 100 software developers, artists, researchers, and members of the heritage sector gathered to re-use more than 30 open data sets. The data and content provided by over 20 different institutions was re-used for research purposes in Digital Humanities and related areas, in the context of Wikipedia/Wikimedia, as well as for other purposes, such as apps and artistic re-mixes. The hackathon was also an excellent means for heritage institutions to enter into dialogue with software developers, researchers, Wikipedians, and to put cultural data and digitized collections to wider use.

Have a look at the projects the hackathon participants have been working on during the two days! - See our provisional list. Further documentation will follow.

Meanwhile you can get an impression of the spirit of these two days by looking at some pictures. Or browse the lively discussion on Twitter by search for the event Hashtag: #GLAMHack.

The organizing team would like to extend a warm thank you to all participants for their active and enthusiastic contribution! We are looking forward to seeing you soon at another hacking occasion, for “after the hackathon is before the hackathon!”

The Organizing Team (hackathon2015@openglam.ch)

In order to be successful, the event needs you to share your programming skills, your data or most importantly, your ideas!

Come and experience the Hackathon!

First of all, join us on the 27 and 28 February for two days of fun, innovation and digital brainstorming. It is great if you are a programmer and you are ready to help with your skills, but we are also looking for non-hacking people such as patrimonial specialists or researchers in digital humanities.

You can already bring in ideas about ways to use cultural data

Have a look at the Swiss cultural data and international patrimonial institutions published under open licenses:

You can help by sharing cultural data

You may own yourself cultural data that you are ready to share. Please look at these infosheet (German / French) on how to share data. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact beat.estermann@openglam.ch.

Share your discoveries of unspotted cultural data

Maybe you are aware of interesting cultural data. In preparation for the hackathon we are putting together a list of such datasets links to interesting data. We encourage you to contribute to it by adding new items.

Share Project Ideas

You can already bring in ideas about ways to use cultural data. Feel free to take part to an ongoing brainstorming on this page.

The event is organized by the OpenGLAM CH Working Group, with contributions from:

Organization Committee
Wikimedia Switzerland
Patrick Borer
Emmanuel Engelhart
Micha L. Rieser, project manager
National Library Bern
Ruth Büttikofer
Matthias Nepfer, logistic head
Romano Staehli
Oleg Lavrovsky
Beat Estermann, dataset head
Frédéric Noyer, communication head
Stefan Oderbolz
Oliver Waddell
OGD Project Switzerland
Simon Meyer
Enrico Natale
ETH Bibliothek Zürich
Claudia Lienhard
Dr. Franziska Regner
Dr. Daniel Boos

In addition, the Cultural Hackathon is supported by Migros Kulturprozent.

If you have questions to the organization committee, please contact us here: hackathon2015@openglam.ch.

  • event/2015-02.1425543031.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/03/05 09:10
  • by loleg