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event:2015-02 [2015/01/16 11:29] – [Organizers] noyerfevent:2015-02 [2015/09/29 13:59] (current) – [Coverage] added Infoclio to Press loleg
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 ====== 1st Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon ====== ====== 1st Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon ======
-The next hackathon focuses on using cultural heritage data/content for research purposes in Digital Humanities and related areas, as well as in the context of Wikipedia/Wikimedia. Participants are welcome to re-use open data/open content for other purposes, such as apps and artistic re-mixes. The hackathon is also an excellent means for heritage institutions to enter into dialogue with software developers, researchers, Wikipedians, and put cultural data and digitized collections to wider use.+The First Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon took place on **27 / 28 February 2015 at the Swiss National Library** in Bern (see [[http://glam.opendata.ch/glamhack-presentations/|full program]]). 
 +Some 100 software developers, artists, researchers, and members of the heritage sector gathered to re-use more than 30 open data sets. The data and content provided by over 20 different institutions was re-used for research purposes in Digital Humanities and related areas, in the context of Wikipedia/Wikimedia, as well as for other purposes, such as apps and artistic re-mixes. The hackathon was also an excellent means for heritage institutions to enter into dialogue with software developers, researchers, Wikipedians, and to put cultural data and digitized collections to wider use.
-The Hackathon will take place on **27 / 28 February 2015 at the Swiss National Library** in Bern. Please [[https://eventbrite.de/event/15045114342/|register to participate]] to the Hackathon. Be sure to do so quickly due to **limited places available**. +===== Projects =====
-You can get the latest news on the Hackathon on the [[http://glam.opendata.ch/|OpenGLAM.ch blog]].+  * [[project:alain_und_laura_sind_neue_medien|Alain und Laura sind neue Medien]] a poetic journey 
 +  * [[project:ancestors|Ancestors on Wikidata]] automatic visualisation of family trees 
 +  * [[project:artmap|Artmap]] puts art.. on a map 
 +  * [[project:catexport|catexport]] tool for working with Wikimedia data 
 +  * [[project:cultural_radio|Cultural Music Radio]] geolocalised mobile app 
 +  * [[project:diplomatic_documents_and_swiss_newspapers_in_1914|Diplomatic Documents and Swiss Newspapers in 1914]] interlinked & searchable 
 +  * [[project:flying_Eduardo|flying Eduardo]] building a universal template for web apps with “Points of Interest”  
 +  * [[project:graphing_the_stateless|Graphing the Stateless People in Carl Durheim's Photos]] to reconstruct relationships 
 +  * [[project:historical_card_game|Historical Tarot Freecell]] play online with ancient cards 
 +  * [[project:historical_views_of_zurich_data_upload|Historical Views of Zurich Data Upload]] into Wikimedia Commons 
 +  * [[project:lausanne_photo_quiz|Lausanne Historic GeoGuesser]] game with historic photos and modern maps 
 +  * [[project:oldmaps|Oldmaps online]] republishing historical Swiss maps 
 +  * [[project:openglam_inventory|OpenGLAM Inventory]] database of heritage institutions 
 +  * [[project:picturethis|Picture This]] connected frame with historic images 
 +  * [[project:portrait_domain|Portrait Domain]] alternate identity social media platform 
 +  * [[project:publicdomaingame|Public Domain Game]] with Web-linked cards 
 +  * [[project:schweizer_kleinmeister:an_unexpected_journey|Schweizer Kleinmeister: An Unexpected Journey]] immersive 3D-visualisation 
 +  * [[project:spock_monroe_art_brut|Spock Monroe Art Brut]] photo mosaic and tribute 
 +  * [[project:swissgamesshowcase|Swiss Games Showcase]] from a database of the computer game scene 
 +  * [[project:the-endless-story|The Endless Story]] computer generated narration 
 +  * [[project:thematizer|Thematizer]] enriching cultural information online 
 +  * [[project:monument_lists|WikiProject "Cultural heritage"]] Swiss monuments in Wikidata 
 +  * [[project:viisoo|ViiSoo]] water visualisation and sonification remix 
 +  * [[project:zuerich_1799|Zürich 1799]] published to Wikipedia and Commons
-===== Information =====+Also see full list of [[http://make.opendata.ch/wiki/tag:glam?do=showtag&tag=glam|projects tagged 'glam']].
-**When?**+===== Coverage =====
-Friday, **February 27 2015**, 9 a.m- midnight<html><br/></html> +You can get an impression of the hackathon through photos in [[http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Swiss_Open_Cultural_Data_Hackathon_2015|Wikimedia Commons]] or via Twitter hashtag [[https://twitter.com/search?f=realtime&q=%23glamhack&src=typd|#GLAMhack]].
-Saturday, **February 28 2015**, 9 a.m. -  6 p.m.+
-**Where?**+Media and blog reactions to the event:
-Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek<html><br/></html> +  * [[http://www.bernerzeitung.ch/region/bern/Freigeister-hacken-kulturelle-Daten/story/27652210|Freigeister hacken kulturelle Daten]] (Berner Zeitung) 
-15 Hallwylstrasse, 3003 Bern<html><br/></html> +  * [[http://www.letemps.ch/Page/Uuid/5065898c-bd27-11e4-b1aa-59105399a835/Hackathon_un_safari_culturel_dans_la_jungle_des_donn%C3%A9es|Un safari culturel dans la jungle des données]] (Le Temps
-Direction on this [[http://www.nb.admin.ch/org/adresse/index.html?lang=en|access map]] +  [[http://www.srf.ch/kultur/im-fokus/weblese/kultur-hackathon-schweizer-kulturerbe-neu-programmiert|Kultur-Hackathon: Schweizer Kulturerbe, neu programmiert]] (SRF2 Kultur Kompact) 
- +  * [[https://soundcloud.com/digitalbrainstorming/kultur-hackathon-in-der-schweizer-landesbibliothek|Kultur Hackathon in der Schweizer Landesbibliothek]] (Digital Brainstroming Podcast) 
-**How to register?** +  * [[http://glam.opendata.ch/a-joyful-gathering-to-foster-the-re-use-of-open-cultural-data/|A Joyful Gathering to Foster the Re-Use of Open Cultural Data]] (OpenGLAM.ch
- +  * [[http://ict.swisscom.ch/2015/03/schweizer-kultur-hackathon-zugaenge-zum-datenbestand-von-museen-archive-und-bibliotheken/|Zugänge zum Datenbestand von Museen, Archiven und Bibliotheken]] (Swisscom ICT Trends
-You can [[https://eventbrite.de/event/15045114342/|register now]] with a free ticket on Eventbrite. Tickets are limited due to space constraints at the venue. +  * [[http://present-hieretdemain.tumblr.com/post/112442033463/swiss-open-cultural-hackathon-27-28-fevrier|Swiss Open Cultural Hackathon]] (Le présente d'hier et de demain) 
- +  * [[https://www.infoclio.ch/de/node/137564|Interviews with the Organizers]] (Infoclio) 
-Info: there are 12 places available in the youth hostel, free of charge (costs are covered by the organizers). Places can be reserved for Thursday night (26.02.2015) or Friday night (27.02.2015), or for both nights. Check-in is between 2 p.m. and 12 p.m. Places will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis. +  * [[https://www.infoclio.ch/de/node/137606|Press & Blog review]] (Infoclio)
- +
-[[http://www.youthhostel.ch/en/hostels/berne|Youth Hostel Bern]], Weihergasse 4, 3005 +
- +
-**How to contact us?** +
- +
-If you have questions to the organization committee, please contact us here: [[mailto:hackathon2015@openglam.ch|hackathon2015@openglam.ch]]+
- +
-===== Program ===== +
- +
-^ Friday, February 27 ^^ +
-| 09:00 |Welcome desk at the premises of the National Library | +
-| 10:00 |Welcome message | +
-| |Pitching of project ideas | +
-| |Creation of groups | +
-| from 10:30 | Groups working on projects | +
-| 12:30 | Lunch | +
-| 18:00 |Short presentation of the projects | +
-| | State of advancement| +
-| 19:00 |Dinner and/or group work on the projects (self organised)| +
-| 24:00 |End of first day| +
- +
-There will be a parallel program of short presentations on selected topics like: +
-  * introduction to wikidata +
-  * Linked Data (how to put together RDF datasets?+
-  * digital humanists tools +
-  * GLAM Wiki Toolset +
-  * Wikipedians in Residence +
- +
-^ Saturday, February 28 ^^ +
-| 09:00 |Group work on the projects | +
-| 12:30 | Lunch | +
-| 16:30 |Wrap up | +
-| | Project presentation | +
-| 17:30 |Open Cultural Hackathon in Switzerland: what’s next?| +
-| 18:00 |End of second day+
-| 19:00 |Dinner (optional, self organised)|+
 +[[mailto:hackathon2015@openglam.ch|The Organizing Team]] would like to extend a warm thank you to all participants for their active and enthusiastic contribution! We are looking forward to seeing you soon at another hacking occasion, for "after the hackathon..is before the hackathon!" 
 ===== How to get involved ===== ===== How to get involved =====
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 Maybe you are aware of interesting cultural data. In preparation for the hackathon we are putting together a list of such datasets [[data:glam|links to interesting data]]. We encourage you to contribute to it by adding new items. Maybe you are aware of interesting cultural data. In preparation for the hackathon we are putting together a list of such datasets [[data:glam|links to interesting data]]. We encourage you to contribute to it by adding new items.
- +**Share Project Ideas**
-===== Project Ideas =====+
 You can already bring in ideas about ways to use cultural data. Feel free to take part to an ongoing brainstorming on [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XjL97LddBRKYBlyJTqOfFG0wH9YYgc9K6waJ172nTe8|this page]]. You can already bring in ideas about ways to use cultural data. Feel free to take part to an ongoing brainstorming on [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XjL97LddBRKYBlyJTqOfFG0wH9YYgc9K6waJ172nTe8|this page]].
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 | |Romano Staehli | | |Romano Staehli |
 |[[http://opendata.ch|Opendata.ch]]|| |[[http://opendata.ch|Opendata.ch]]||
 +| |[[user:loleg|Oleg Lavrovsky]] |
 | |Beat Estermann, dataset head | | |Beat Estermann, dataset head |
-| |Oleg Lavrosky | 
 | |Frédéric Noyer, communication head | | |Frédéric Noyer, communication head |
 | |Stefan Oderbolz | | |Stefan Oderbolz |
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 |[[http://www.dock18.ch/|Dock18]]|| |[[http://www.dock18.ch/|Dock18]]||
 | |Dr. Daniel Boos | | |Dr. Daniel Boos |
 +**In addition, the Cultural Hackathon is supported by [[http://www.migros-kulturprozent.ch/|Migros Kulturprozent]]**.
 If you have questions to the organization committee, please contact us here: [[mailto:hackathon2015@openglam.ch|hackathon2015@openglam.ch]]. If you have questions to the organization committee, please contact us here: [[mailto:hackathon2015@openglam.ch|hackathon2015@openglam.ch]].
  • event/2015-02.txt
  • Last modified: 2015/09/29 13:59
  • by loleg