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event:2012-09 [2012/09/29 14:46] aamslerevent:2012-09 [2012/10/01 09:12] alog
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-====== 3nd Open Data Camp - 28/29.09.2012 ======+====== 3rd Open Data Camp - 28/29.09.2012 ======
-Switzerland's third Open Data Camp is bringing together ideators and makers around the topic of data-driven health. Below are some projects the folks are currently working on. Join us for day 2 on Saturday to make some awesome stuff.+Switzerland's third nation-wide Open Data Camp brought together ideators and makers around the topic of data-driven health. Check out what some awesome folks have been making in Geneva and Basle during just two days.
-Next milestone in BaselSaturday, 29.09., 4pmFinal presentations+{{https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A33_8KwCQAAB49P.jpg?250|Geneva}} 
-{{:project:health:openhealthdata_hackday_1_presentations.jpg?250|}}{{:project:health:a34zjojccaaj0l_large.jpg?250|}}+===== Projects ===== 
 +  * [[project:born-died-ch|born/died//ch]]animates open data about the population of Switzerland, including birth by region and death by cause statistics, with 3D web graphics([[http://opendata.utou.ch/borndied|demo]] - [[https://github.com/loleg/born-died-ch|source]])
-===== Projects - Basel ===== +  * [[project:compare-hospitals|Compare Hospitals]] is a mobile app for browsing the results of a study of hospitals across Switzerland, on a range of quality indicators([[https://github.com/risayew/compare-hospitals-ch|source]])
-  * [[project:openmedsensor|Web enabled blood pressure measurement]] +
-  * [[project:health:ipollution|Pollution map to data]] +
-  * [[http://www.seantis.ch/blog/visualiserung-der-krankenkrassenpraemien|Insurance premium visualisation]] - [[http://repository.opendata.ch/bundesamtgesundheit|data]] - [[http://www.seantis.ch/blog/visualiserung-der-krankenkrassenpraemien/media/SHIPMockup.png|mockup]] - [[http://www.seantis.ch/blog/visualiserung-der-krankenkrassenpraemien/media/Bildschirmfoto20120929um10.19.54.png|screenshot]] - [[http://healthinsurance.opendata.ch|application]] +
-  * Gemba health diary +
-  * >>Read more about what the Basel crew has been making during day 1: [[http://www.tageswoche.ch/+banib|"Bei der TagesWoche darf gehackt werden"]]+
-===== Projets Genève ====+  * [[project:emergency_or_not|Emergency or Not]] is a prototype app for crowdsourcing health advice aiming to get the user a quick response in the event of an emergency, inspired by the immediacy with which information can be shared on social networks like Twitter. ([[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5e9lt_UVdY|screencast]] [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY4zUTar5jM|vidéo]]) 
-  * [[project:medicaltimeline|Medical Timeline]] + 
-  * [[project:emergency_or_not|Emergency or Not]] +  * Gemba health diary has been working on a concept how a person could record his own health data, and allow the person to selectively grant e.g. a doctor access to his data without compromising privacy. 
-  * [[project:health:mygenerics]] + 
-  * [[project:instacare|InstaCare]] +  * [[project:health_data_visualization|Hospital Data Visualization]] groups together efforts to display information about the distribution of Swiss hospitals relative to regional population and other factors, in the form of interactive maps and charts. ([[http://filemails.com/opendata/starter.php|demo 1]] - [[http://www.igloup.com/share/opendata/dataviz/bubblechart/|demo 2]] - [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9phzJl6S53M|video]]) 
-  * [[project:compare-hospitals|Compare Hospitals]] + 
-  * [[project:health_data_visualization|Hospital Data Visualization]] +  * [[project:instacare|InstaCare]] is a mobile app for quickly locating and getting directions to the nearest health care center in several categories. The usable design can integrate opening times, specialties, and other open data useful to persons with health and disability requirements. ([[https://github.com/FredericJacobs/InstaCare-iphone|source]] - [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQpCRJ4u_pg|vidéo]]
-  * [[project:born-died-ch|born/died//ch]]+ 
 +  * [[project:health:ipollution|iPollution]] extracts the yearly mean values of the air pollution in Switzerland from graphical maps on the BAFU website and presents them to a user based on location, visualizing the cumulative effect of being exposed to pollutants over years. ([[http://ipollution.opendata.ch/|demo]] - [[http://github.com/andstein/iPollution|source]]) 
 +  * [[project:medicaltimeline|Medical Timeline]] integrates nutrient information from open databases about food. Our original goal, for which we made a concept, is an app collecting health related events along a person's individual lifetime. ([[http://mhlai.myvnc.com/mtl/|demo]] - [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTwCV-8Su8A|vidéo]]) 
 +  * [[project:health:mygenerics|myGenerics]] uses open pharmaceutical data to list generic alternatives for a drug of interest, the results showing all brands and types of packaging, helping to make an informed decision when purchasing medicaments and potentially lowering treatment costs. ([[http://mygenerics.sebseb01.net/|demo]] - [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v-3dUVGyX4|vidéo]]) 
 +  * [[http://healthinsurance.opendata.ch|Swiss Healthcare Insurance Premiums Map]] uses the same data as Comparis.ch, to compare the rate of premiums between all cantons. ([[http://healthinsurance.opendata.ch|visualization]] [[http://repository.opendata.ch/bundesamtgesundheit|data]] -  [[http://www.seantis.ch/blog/visualiserung-der-krankenkrassenpraemien|blog]]) 
 +  * [[http://make.opendata.ch/doku.php?id=project:health_metadata_catalog|Health Metadata Browser]] The aim of this project was to define the metadata (the catalog of data ) associated with health. The catalog is defined by using SKOS and iQvoc, a vocabulary management system for the semantic web. 
 +===== Data & APIs ===== 
 +  * See our extensive [[data:health|list of data sources]], including recent data releases by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. 
 +===== Blogs & Press ===== 
 +  * [[http://www.tageswoche.ch/+banpo|Wenn Daten sprechen lernen (Tageswoche.ch, 29.09.2012)]] 
 +  * [[http://infam.antville.org/stories/2137823|Podcasts der Schlusspräsentationen in Basel (infam.antville.org, 29.09.2012)]] 
 +  * [[http://www.seantis.ch/blog/visualiserung-der-krankenkrassenpraemien|Visualisierung der Krankenkassenprämien (Seantis.ch, 28./29.09.2012)]] 
 +  * [[http://www.tageswoche.ch/+banib|Bei der TagesWoche darf gehackt werden (Tageswoche.ch, 28.09.2012)]]
  • event/2012-09.txt
  • Last modified: 2015/02/26 09:32
  • by tamberg