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en:where [2012/08/08 20:41] lolegen:where [Unknown date] (current) – external edit (Unknown date)
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-Both of our venues will be equipped for two days of top notch developing, visualizing and debating, providing space for about 50 people each. Infrastructure including fast Internet and catering will be taken care of.+Both of our venues will be equipped for two days of top notch developing, visualizing and debating, providing space for at least 50 people each. Infrastructure including fast Internet and catering will be taken care of.
-^Basel ^Geneva +^Berne ^Sierre 
-|[[http://yellow.local.ch/en/d/Basel/4001/Unternehmen-MITTE-Nkl38qKruz_a_W0qBGRwZQ|Unternehmen Mitte]] \\ Gerbergasse 30 \\ 4001 Basel \\ http://mitte.ch|[[http://yellow.local.ch/de/1204/Haute-ecole-dart-et-de-design---HEAD| University of Art and Design – Geneva (HEAD)]] \\ Boulevard James-Fazy 15 \\ 1204 Genève \\ http://www.hesge.ch/head|+Universität Bern  \\ [[http://map.local.ch/de/search/Schanzeneckstrasse%201,%20Berne|Schanzeneckstrasse 1]]  \\ 3012 Bern \\ \\ {{:fr:iwi_im_logo.jpg?nolink&200|}} | [[http://www.hevs.ch/| HES-SO Valais]] \\ Domaine Economie & Services \\ Institut Informatique de Gestion\\ 3960 Sierre \\ {{:fr:hessovsfull.jpg?nolink&300|}} ||
  • en/where.txt
  • Last modified: 2013/01/14 01:03
  • (external edit)